Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Al fresco dining in October is what Dublin is all about.


I remember October in Dublin, and the city as it stank like hell, and nobody walking down Grafton street, and everyone feeling unwell


What is the point of the Levels. At level 3 indoor dining is allowed under their three day old guidelines.

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Iā€™d do anything to watch Dundalk in the dame tavern tomorrow drinking a few pints and having a few bets on Dundalk.


Levels are irrelevant itā€™s whatever the Medical Junta decide


That would be heaven

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Thatā€™s good to be fairšŸ‘

So I jumped on a bus to Dun Laoighre
Stopping off to infect my friend Lar
And a drunk on the bus
Told me to put my mask on
I was glad I had left it
In the car


Dr Sam is on Matt Coopers show tonight, letā€™s see what the Doc has to say.

Iā€™d say some class
Of the next two weeks are vital
This virus will pounce if we are complacent

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@iron_mike and @Julio_Geordio will be duetting that ditty with pencil neck on the LLS in a few weeks time


Itā€™s a city. Lots of people live near each other and interact more. Thatā€™s it pretty much.

Pearse Doherty should be in charge of this country

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Dr Sam talking about cars and trees

Pearse needs to take over Ryanair

Is this lad connected to earth. Yeah sure just ask them to behave differently and thatā€™ll be hunky dory.


Makes sense to ban indoor dining :man_shrugging:t2:

I want a fucking war

Niall Collins :rofl::rofl: