Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Thereā€™s nothing the Nordies canā€™t make sectarian

Big Jim doesnā€™t like polls.

Right thatā€™s too much of that. The whole World has lost their minds. Iā€™m off to watch Pawn Stars or something

Was wondering earlier instead of breaking down the percentages of male v female cases do they announce them Catholic v Protestant

These lads are mad, McDonkey was on the other day saying that we could be in level 3 for 5 years.

10 years mate - would coincidently help us reach our 2030 Paris carbon emission targets as well.

Its a no brainer.

Hope to God we donā€™t go into another full lock down. My asshole still hasnā€™t recovered from the last oneā€¦ torn asunder from all that wiping it was.

Since the 1st September we have had 16,432 cases of the virus and 58 deaths, a fatality rate of 0.35%

Since the 1st of October we have had 9088 cases and 31 deaths, a fatality rate of 0.34%

Edited percentage after correction from @Tierneevin1979


level of testing going up too?

1 death is too many mate.

In all seriousness, id be interested to see our death rates per month for June , July , August and September during this pandemic vs 2019, 2018 and 2017 to see how weā€™re really doing.

We need deaths below Zero.

Long way to go Iā€™m afraid.

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If itā€™s any consolation the minister for health in norn iron is cancelling all operationsā€¦cancer, transplants, the lot.
We can die of whatever the fuck we want as long as its not covid.

0.35% and 0.34% Case Fatality Rate. If you assume 50% are asymptomatic and never get tested, thatā€™s approx 0.2% IFR. With the caveat that there are lags between infection, development of disease, hospitalization and death.

Overall Ireland is tracking other countries that have much larger populations in that the death rate whether CFR or IFR has been dropping since April. If you look at the US and excess deaths, in April total deaths went to 140% of normal or roughly +20K deaths per week above the norm of 55k per week. This steadily reduced to normal (no excess deaths) by September, and this month so far there are about 10% fewer deaths than normal.


Have you any explanation for the divergence in death numbers in the US in April?

Why were they so much higher then?

Apologies yes, I forgot to re-percentage (technical term) my figures.


The reduction in the excess death rate is directly related to Covid. People are just afraid to die.

Turn it off lads.

The WHO reckons 10% of the world is infected. That would mean a huge amount of cases not detected. Itā€™s also been acklowledged that the death rate is lower than the total figure (certainly in developed countries) as probable cases were added.

For clarity. About 4,500 people died a week in the US from pneumonia and flu, pre Covid. That number went to 20,000 for a few weeks in April including cases involving Covid. Itā€™s steadily declined since then and these past two weeks has been well below the average. Overall deaths have plummeted since mid September, well below the pre Covid average. As others have said Covid is now saving lives.