Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Ireland shares a land border with NI

Ireland has significantly more through traffic than both those places you mention.

I was talking to a friend in Sydney last night and he was saying they have been pretty much back to normal since May. Some indoor places have limits of 250 but thatā€™s a lot like.

Itā€™s probably not possible here but we need a radical change of strategy.

What we are at for now with no end goal, is complete insanity.

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Correct, itā€™s asperational nonsense that canā€™t be realistically implemented.

Itā€™ll take months instead of weeks.

Build a wall with NI. Mandatory two week quarantine for anyone coming into the country?

We are an island at the edge of Europe with a common travel area with the UK.

We have spent the last number of years telling anyone who will listen that we cannot possibly have a hard border with NI.

17% of the people born in Ireland live abroad and 17% of the people living in Ireland are from abroad.

The most open and international economy in the world.

The EU = free travel.

A few reasons there why shutting ourselves off from the rest of the world to pursue zero covid is not feasible.


Itā€™s summer in Sydney

We are at the end goal. Weā€™re not doing very well at it yet but this is what living with covid looks like. Moving up and down levels trying to keep the infection rate at manageable levels. We might get better at fine tuning it but this is it.

Weā€™ll be at this for a good two years. A year for a vaccine (optimistically) and a year to get it out to people.

I donā€™t think youā€™ve thought the concept of ā€˜zeroā€™ covid through.

What is it in Siam?

Whatā€™s the plan now though? I think itā€™s better than the current one. Iā€™d gladly never leave the country again if everything went back to normal. As it is Iā€™m not going to leave anyway and thereā€™s takes of restrictions anyway. There is literally no end game to the current approach

Why are humans always obsessed with solutions? Sometimes there arenā€™t any and we need to live with that.


The north basically fucks any attempt at a joined up all island strategy.

I definitely havenā€™t youā€™re right. I actually havenā€™t given it a seconds thought. It just popped into my head there reading through the same things over and over on this thread and just thought Iā€™d pop it out there to mix things up a bit.

How many times were you called stupid etc etc

There is literally no point in our existence without a solution to this.


Jesus wept


Iā€™m off under the bed lads. The Covid must be floating in the air around here.

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I enjoyed my couple of days in Gorey last week chief.

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Just as well you got out while the going was good.

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I got a lot of lip for it in the space of five minutes when the reality is nobody has a fucking clue what the best or right thing to do is. Not the TFK experts or the real experts


But we do know zero Covid cannot be achieved in any western country, because no matter what restrictions have been tried Covid continues to spread. Paris had one of the strictest lockdowns in March - June and is now imposing a curfew.