Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

George Lee positively revelling in talking about the number of Covid cases.

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His comment was 100% accurate

This here is the issue I have with county boundaries defining where gets shut down.

As per the map, Gorey is by far the worst affected area in wexford.

Going by the stats, it is on a par with the worst affected areas in Ireland.

Yet in the areas to the South, closer to Waterford or Kilkenny, the whole county gets lumped in to the badly affected area which is a commuter belt to Dublin. Stopping inter county travel just doesnā€™t make sense. There are towns and cities that straddle two counties.

The make it up as they go along, the ridiculous levels that within a day of release already went out the window, conflicting recommendations, with no end in sight. Itā€™s just utterly frustrating

Forget about Wexford, itā€™s goneā€¦

Wexford town doing very well I see

Lads in their 40s with kids seem happy enough as their lives havenā€™t changed an awful.

They probably used to watch The News and Prime Time every night of the week even before Covid.

Theyā€™d better hope we find a solution too or their kids will grow up knowing nobody and never experiencing proper childhood memories.


Linked to a marquee at back of a bar with 1000 people through it after a GAA final

Find it hard to disagree with that statement. Iā€™m witnessing it first hand at the moment looking st a young woman stuck in front of a laptop for lectures and cant even go for a few drinks with her mates to relieve a bit of pressure.


Itā€™s actually worse than that, the same piece of information that is used to argue a position is also used to argue the opposite position.

Masks are a good example. In a recent CDC survey 85% of people who tested positive for Covid said they were regular mask wearers. Trump is suggesting that means masks arenā€™t the cure all people are claiming and his opponents say he is a liar and endangering people recklessly.

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I wouldnā€™t even know what day of the week it is anymore. Life seems pretty pointless nowadays.

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Exactly. They have lost touch with any sense of feeling young and alive. The longterm damage the callous disregard and venom they heap on young people just doing what young people are wired to do is telling


Everything is taking literal these days. People use ā€œfactsā€ for their arguement. As you said same fact is used by both sides of the arguement. This fact is used as if it was gospel and no context around what produced the result. Its a massive problem these days as everyone wants things black and white the grey area is gone.

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Thereā€™s a shocker. Fucking Gaa. Same in most outbreaks in counties can all be traced back to gaa clubs not observing the guidelines

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Iā€™m losing out on some of my best years.

I actually believe everybody should stay the same age in 2021. It isnā€™t fair to be losing out on a year.


Lads queuing up to agree with this quote ,

I repeat, Jesus wept.

Are you working? At home for 7 months doing it but at least thereā€™s a structure to it and then the weekend to catch up on household stuff relax walks etc

That article seems to say all the claims are true. Which of course theyā€™d have to be for the Times to print them, even in an add

Donā€™t worry about it, the LIDTF crew know whats best for you. Donā€™t ever expect any thanks for the sacrifice your generation is making either though