Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

What were the most important things in your life when you were say 23?

A final that they lost. 115 people from a village with a population of around 100 all tested positive apparently



Nuance is dead.

Masks were no use according to the experts back in March and April,ā€¦WHO, Fauci etc,

People should stop wearing them now, theyā€™re clearly absolutely worthless unless you were them in your house and under the bed.

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Itā€™s not easy, clearly, and I recognise that Iā€™m in a good enough position,

But spare us the hyperbole, family and friends are what makes life worthwhile, the rest is gravy, we live in a privileged society and if you canā€™t see any point to life now then itā€™s not a conversation for TFK


Friends you canā€™t visit or go anywhere or do anything with?


Iā€™m meeting friends this saturday and Sunday and I wont be breaking restrictions

Why do you think you cant meet people or do anything?

I think that was his point mate.

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You can talk to them on Zoom about absolutely nothing because there is nothing to talk about.


Did you not say you were going to their homes? Thatā€™s breaking restrictions

Are you trying to ruin Christmas you selfish bastard?

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Weā€™ve changed the plans and are meeting outside in a local amenity.

Iā€™m glad its not just me going mad.

Fuck this shit.

A life through screens is no life lads.


It is frustrating but in all fairness you have to work with whatā€™s there, to e have county boundaries and recognize them. Drawing circles around hotspots would lead to (more) confusion and chaos.

Donā€™t forget to bring a bowl for the car keys

Youā€™re dead right. Apparently a number of local businesses are meeting this evening to discuss their own self imposed lockdown for a week in the interests of public safety. It would be a very bold move by them and fair play if they do it. Doubt it will happen though.

Edit - for and for what itā€™s worth, the commuter aspect of it is pretty small. For the entire summer while the place was thronged with Dubs and tourists the numbers around here were minimal. It only spiked once a bunch of GGA idiots decided to act like cunts.

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Twitter disagrees the popular opinion people have spoken against it. Right wing America attacking OIreland again

@rocko will be along quick to delete that post and ban you.

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I really really miss my old life. Iā€™ve so many regrets now too thinking back on past decisions.