Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Saw that as well. Hamptons is nice in fairness.

Of course I do. Things change the restrictions change.

Having one cemented position seems demented.

Ya your hardly ever on here anymore sure :joy:


Need help to lift and position panels while trying to get bolts into position and tighten them, never mind lifting up roof panels etc.

You’d be broke from her kid

You’d easily sort it on your own. Might need the missus for a few minutes to hold some panels in place, but it’s simple enough.

Amazing none of the 5 people who post here have got it yet.

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She had a great smile.

If you learn something from it then it won’t have been all bad. You’ll ask the next one out

I feared as much. I’ll try another few places

@Gary_Birtles_Lovechi is riddled with it

Covid wasnt here in December

I snogged a lady boy in albufeira in 2017. Fucking covid

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I’d be getting stuck into Football Manager and staying up all night a few nights a week, if I was twenty years younger.


If his missus can help I wouldn’t bother putting the shed up in the first place. Might as well throw up a timber shed.

Might give it a whirl so. If it all goes Pete tong I’ll blame you

Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.

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Will I make a few calls? Limerick City area?

Pity you couldn’t get the lads from steel tech. They were done and dusted in 45 minutes when they did mine there in the spring

I’ve knocked zebra off their perch


March at the earliest :see_no_evil: big back log due to the factory they were using shutting down and general demand due to people having fuck all else to do

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