Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

@EstebanSexface changes his minge? A trans gender on tfk, who would have thought it

For the FAO of the forum. I’ve followed the restrictions to the letter of the law thus far. I was at work when the vast majority hid under the bed. I’ve not had a social contact in 3 weeks.

I’m not following the no household visits bullshit. If that makes me a monster, so be it. Holohan can fuck himself

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Even at the home of the black stuff, they dream of a white one.

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Did you kick the missus to the kerb?

He does. Quite often

We aren’t living anymore lads we are merely existing.

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We were better off under the brits. At least we fought back a bit then

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I’d be surprised if lot of people won’t be following the house visit restrictions. I know I certainly won’t and most of my friends, most of home are pretty much LIDTF, won’t either by the plans being made in different WhatsApp groups. It was different in March, April and May when we thought bodies would be piled up on the streets but I think a lot of people now know that’s simply not the case. Best thing to do is try to get some bit of normality back and wait for the absolute insanity of what is now happening to pass.


I bought the paper edition for the first time all year because of that advert.


Your one on the Tonight show spent about 10 minutes trying to get the panel to say the GAA season should be cancelled. Definitely a bit of momentum behind it now and in Ireland the politicians usually go with whatever way they think the wind is blowing.

Living with her 9 years this week. Not a social contact.

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I was just coming to post this. Her name is Mary Sherry from Tydavnet. I always wondered why all the public they interviewed on RTE were so positive.

8ft x 6ft


They are doing a better job at ruining the Irish than the brits did.

Yes most of the old shopkeepers in Monaghan are Prods. Wilson are a very nice bunch, I still shop there so you know it must be a great shop. Top end fashion.

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The checkpoints are the best of all. Met 4 today and they didn’t even bother checking the tax or insurance. Leaned up against the squad car waving the traffic on

Brenda and Karen will be gunning to halt the GAA championships tomorrow

Back to back Champions Leagues with Villa. I’m trying to decide whether to start a new game with Monaghan United and win the CL with them, or do they even still exist in the game