Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

So long as there is no tackling/celebrating/fighting or hugging and each player gets his/her own locker room and physio I don’t see any issue

And eats a substantial €9 meal

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He needs this

Refreshing to see the consensus challenged in other countries and passionately too.


First ladies. Sundays at 10 on

Liverpool and Manchester are united. You know its bad when these cities agree


I watched that earlier. Burnham sounded like the voice of reason in a world gone mad. Reassuring not every person in power is resigned to theirs becoming just another colony for silicon valley


Took The Journal long enough :smile:

Getting shredded in the comments on twitter. Closed the comments on the article then :roll_eyes:

What’s that about mike?

Their people here will be distraught

Exactly what it says on the tin. A documentary series about all the first ladies. Sounds interesting but not enough to stay up till 2am waiting for it

Did you hear bill burr’s take on Michelle Obama’s stadium tour?


Basically wtf did she do to earn a stadium tour…apart from suck the dick that tasted most presidential.
I was shocked so I was.

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Can someone throw up those stats again about tests, cases and deaths pre summer and post summer? percentages etc. Want to use them to win an argument against a LIDTFer.

Are you calling in for a few cans?

Post-match parties and house gatherings: Where GPs notice Covid outbreaks originating

The UK saves the world again.

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Hopefully the false positives and misdiagnosis of covid instead of other viruses from the current test will be resolved. Somehow the screaming Brenda’s will say its due to lockdowns and Tony for falling numbers coming in to summer 21