Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. I know a few of them were only tested on Wednesday and wouldnā€™t say they have results back yet.

@mac has put a target on his back here. Expect him to go dark any minute now.

It doesnā€™t get them back to school any sooner, youā€™re correct - Iā€™m not debating that. By the nature of teachers work, theyā€™ll interact with a greater volume of people than is normal right now. So if thereā€™s a confirmed case with a staff member, Iā€™d have assumed that getting other close contact staff members tested would be a priority. Reason being that if others are positive then its likely thereā€™ll be a web within the school and the school may need to take action.

But in this case, thereā€™s 12 teachers currently out, from a staff of 80. 1 confirmed case, and only 2 have been tested while the others sit at home still waiting to be contacted by contact tracers. Iā€™d hope that this is just a unique case within 1 school as if its happening in multiple schools then the whole thing is going to collapse. The school is barely able to find staff to supervise classes at the moment and is toying sending certain year groups home.

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Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply

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Heā€™s become the Breda and Nuala of TFK. We wonā€™t throw him under the bus yet.

I was told differently from a fairly trusted source but to honest I donā€™t know what to believe anymore!


Heā€™s dangerous. He could bring the entire thing down. Can you risk that?

The schools will be gone for a minimum of two weeks for the mid term. Iā€™m telling ye, theyā€™re gearing up for it.

@Mac do you think the recent post final antics in some areas have seriously damaged clubs reputations and may impact severely on their ability to fund raise in the local community in the future?

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we wonā€™t throw him under the bus yet :smiley:

and he just after throwing you under it, getting in, driving it over you, then reversing it back over you for good measure

a notorious bastard

I brought up fundraising issues for clubs next season a few months back and Got lambasted from various quarters on the limerick thread.

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Completely different circumstances.
There was no issue until the carry on after the finals.

The Issues mainly came from playing the games behind closed doors.

Itā€™s going be incredibly difficult to fundraise next season for clubs unless your club has a magic money tree like the @the_man_himself

Thatā€™s a really good question. They may suffer a small bit but most of the clubs involved would have a loyal enough following to keep the money coming in. Unfortunately peoples memories are short enough these days too so in a few months Iā€™m sure the hysteria will have moved onto something else and this will be forgotten about.

ā€˜Driving it over me, while supervised by a qualified driverā€™ Iā€™m sure you meant to say

The GAA getting uppity again

Stay strong pal.

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Yeah fair comment.