Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Level 3 as described by RTE

The Dubs cant be trusted. Its only right to leave them closed for now. Once they show they’re responsible, then they can have a pint.

When all this started she was fairly quick out of the blocks in letting her staff go. This article was from the 13th of March, Leo only made his announcement from Washington on the 12th. No hanging about to see how things were going to work out.


If you have a wedding can you have indoor dining or is the 25 just at the ceremony.


Lots of people who had Restaurants booked will now just have the same people over to their houses. People will still meet up and it’s the pubs/restaurants that now become unviable.

Lots of trips outside Dublin will be cancelled at short notice - those hotels and restaurants will lose that badly needed business.

Kids outdoor sports gone. But they’ll be inside in groups.

Academic theory tends to break down in the real world when confronted by human behavior and a virus, rightly or wrongly, nobody fears now.

People might adhere to it if it was a guaranteed one week circuit break.

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That restriction in particular I can’t get my head around at all. That’s just a restriction for the sake of it.


Yeah they are formative years for kids to play and get involved in sports. Just cancelling it has lifetime implications.

What we need to discuss now is, if Dublin can be, or is worth saving?

Should Dublin be saved?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

The whole country should go in to lock down in solidarity with Dublin.

God I miss the great days in our capital city. All Ireland Sunday, November internationals, getting the train mid week to soccer internationals and so many great times in leopardstown. This is so so sad. The country is finished.


Dont play me like that brother. Just dont.

Not alone that but they are still going to be mixing in much larger numbers, indoors, all week. Surely in that context an hour or two, outdoors in a smaller group won’t make much of a difference?

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I live in Dublin and can take or leave the place at the best of times.

But the issue here is that the government drew up a comprehensive plan for living with COVID on Tuesday. It had many pages. There were 5 distinct stages. MM pulled a face as he emphasised how this was what we would be adhering to going forward.

Now it’s already out the window

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When are politicians going to wake up to this nonsense? Ok, lockdown Dublin for 3 weeks cases will fall or may not if excessive gatherings in homes. Opening and closing places at the whim of NPHET is unacceptable, how is that other countries are managing to live with this thing?

Other countries have better functioning health services. They are obviously terrified of it being immediately overwhelmed, if so why wasn’t capacity increased within the six month lockdown.


Kids outdoor sports banned but lads still going to work in meat plants on packed buses.

It’s not theatre. It’s a pantomime.

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It’s time to move out of Dublin. It’s lost to us.

They’ll be a laughing stock(again) if they create a level 3.5

I’ve relocated to Brittas Bay for the duration.

Kids were due to go to Kilmainham Gaol tomorrow to learn about their great great grandfather in the RIC and the need for law and order in a country like this but that’s gone now too.

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