Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Tour de force from jack Lambert. Hes summed up tfk OIUTF opinion nicely


Pure scutter. We are as a nation obsessed with this virus. Can anyone remind me again what was the national conversation before this all kicked off. Brexit was it. Again scaremongering on an incredible scale. Milked for all it was worth. I always laugh when I see these bogus happiness indexes published that lists Ireland high amongst the worlds countries. I try to reconcile this with the fact that the majority want to be locked down under the harshest restrictions possible and more draconian than anywhere else in Europe. And then I realise that happiness is all relative and many people never truly live but just exist. A large part of the populace these days are so enthral to media and medical experts that if these people convinced them they were happy that would be enough for them.


I’ve a pain in my neck from nodding along with that.

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Dr Jack Lambert is professor of medicine and infectious diseases, Mater and UCD School of Medicine

Que the constantly outraged baying for lockdown to state “hes not an expert :upside_down_face:” and demand hes cancelled

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.

William Butler Yeats


he makes some good points there.

One I’d question is no2. Where he says Waterford should be rewarded by remaining open etc. Good in theory but in reality - if Waterford was open and surrounds closed, human nature means more people would flock to Waterford and exacerbate the issue.

Also his point on Covid SWAT teams needs to be fleshed out. I think that was just a filler to get to 10 probably because it doesn’t make any sense. Go out and chase the virus :smiley:

Fair play to Jack Lambert. It takes a bit of courage to go against the grain in the current climate.


Hope lies with the proles.

I’d expect some glass of a hatchet job on Dr Jack in the coming day’s

He’s raising too many uncomfortable questions

Johnny where are getting the impression that the majority wants to be locked away? Seriously

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The virus is game as a pebble. We need to turn the tables on it

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Polls from shows like Pat Kenny on Newstalk said 60% of listeners want more restrictions. RTE had a separate poll which showed correspondents not only think but want more restrictions. I find it hard to believe myself but there is a feeling now that the wind is blowing only one way and not many want to be seen to be going against the consensus.

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They are following protocols and aren’t spreading it into community

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Covid Rovers

The “scumbag” reference there was uncalled for. Some lads are starting to unravel again.

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everyone I speak to is of the opposite opinion. They understand the restrictions but absolutely nobody wants more. They want level 3 to work so that we can go back to level 2.

Just speaking to my mother there. She says she’s fucked if she’s going back to the first lockdown and will not stop going for her walks with her powerwalking group. She refuses to curl up and die and suspects “thats what half these shower of bastards want us to do”.

I took the apple tart and headed away happy with the morning chat.


I’ve made the mistake of talking to a few non-TFK people this week. The government are doing a good job. They’ve been gutsy. The government have stood up to NPHET. It was the greatest budget on the history of the State. They’ve done a great job on keeping the schools open. We need to lockdown for as long as necessary to keep the numbers down. There is no alternative. Our fate is in our own hands, that’s what people need to realise.

I’m never making that mistake again.


So they’re trying this again are they? Who leaked it this time?

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