Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Woman on there from craigavon hospital. Itā€™s full of sick people, staff are run off their feet and itā€™s at breaking point.
Just like 2019


Why when we were opening things up were we told we had to wait 3 weeks minimum to see if the openings had any affect on cases number, but when we are looking at restrictions we need to move from Level 3 to level 5 after 2 weeks?

We are always told that cases from one week are the result of the previous 2 weeks.

We need to hold tough until the middle of next week and see do things level off.
The HSE also seem to be saying they do have surge capacity for ICU, so they are just scaremongering at the moment, but no one seems to be challenging them on anything.

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Fucking cunts.

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Lads, we have as much decision making power as NPHET. Calm down.

Thatā€™s dangerous talk.

Heā€™ll have to resign now I guess. Its mad how you canā€™t have a balanced opinion these days

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A hospital full of sick people never heard of the lieks of it before

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Itā€™s mad how the hospitals are overcrowded with not enough beds every single year and no-one gives a fuck.

Except this year the hospitals are overcrowded with not enough beds and the entire country is put under house arrest.


Thank you Rathoath GGA

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Micheal Martin out of the country until tonight so no cabinet meeting. More kite flying by someone but Iā€™d say a case of move along nothing to see here.

Who let that Cunt leave the country

Level 5. Some dose. No pun intended.

They are really ramping up the fear factor now. NPHET recommending Level 5 for 6 six weeks and some folks are loving the prospect of being locked in again. Why are NPHET putting this out to the public rather than the recommendations going to the government for them to take into consideration. Itā€™s only 2 weeks since we went to level 3.

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) has recommended Ireland enter a six-week Level 5 Covid-19 lockdown.

The recommendation was made last night in a letter sent to Government.

Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan entered Level 4 last night, while a nationwide ban on household visits also came into force.

Level 5 would see country return to a state of lockdown similar to that seen in March and is seen as a chance to ensure that there are no major restrictions over Christmas.

In Level 5, people would be restricted to moving within 5km of their homes, pubs and restaurants would operate on a takeaway basis only and public gatherings would largely be banned.

Iā€™d question how well another lock down would actually work. No way are they getting the same buy in again. And new lockdowns havenā€™t really been that effective over in the UK. Plus even today there is feck all places where people can congregate. Stadiums empty, pubs shut, restaurants shut. Apart from 15 outdoors. Universities have all gone online despite dragging students back to get their rent money. They refuse to countenance that the schools have anything to do with it. Their best idea is to lock everyone back inside their bedrooms for 6 weeks.


The Chinese were right. Weld everyoneā€™s door shut.

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The public are on Team Tony, very unlikely the government can face then down again

The Chinese invented the virus and they have an antidote/vaccine.

Lock every one down. Numbers will fall. Open it up. Numbers go up. Blame the public. Lock them up again.

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And round and round we go.