Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

MaryLou not coming across well here, just give a straight answer ffs


At least the pubs will be open for Christmas and we’ll be able around a bit visiting friends.

It doesn’t take much critical thinking to just disagree with every attempt at curtailing the virus either.

This is just a recommendation. Cool ye’re jets lads

Level 5 would have a much bigger impact on the half a million people who would lose their jobs and have nothing to do but sit in their houses worrying about that for 2 months of winter. Locking people up in their homes only let out to buy food or go for a walk is an extreme measure, people need to remember that. To enact any such extreme measure you’d want to be pretty sure that it will work. We know that it doesn’t and the numbers will just balloon again as soon as we come out of it. The WHO have also come out and called for an end to them so the headbangers in NPHET will have to square that circle in any recommendation.

It would be absolutely reckless and completely irresponsible for the government to implement it.

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She basically called for full Level 5 lockdown without having the guts to call for full Level 5 lockdown.

Of course Dobson had to throw in a question at the end of the interview about the intercounty matches this weekend.

As soon as Monty Burns is back from Brussels we’ll be in lockdown within 48 hours.

This is a real test of The Champ now.

They’re trying to sit on the fence on the macro, big picture questions like…would you implement NPHET’s recommendation to go to level 5 if you were in government? But taking issue with micro things on a day to day basis. They’re afraid of their life to disagree with any “medic”. I think their position lacks political bravery.


Will they? It took a long time from the end of our first lockdown until the pubs opened

Last bullet point.

Mary Lou and Leo are populist weather vanes. Mehole might just be the last level head in the business with an overarching view of the matter

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That was woeful waffle.
She really is terrible in interviews and not all that bright.

A committee of 40. Imagine a committee of 40 TFK members sitting down to write a letter to the government.


Level 5 and RTÉ cannot broadcast and I’d take it.


This is an interesting piece on the Circuit Breaker for 2 weeks. As always, Unherd get different voices there (even though many would say they are the anti lockdown voice).

NPHET want 6 weeks and can’t articulate how it would work after that.

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The Irish

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Top banter

Very awkward for SF with schools closed in the North whilst they aren’t here, even under Level 5 (allegedly).

Politicians of all persuasions have tripped over themselves following public health officials who are just guessing for the most part. They all need to be articulating the strategy.

I’m alright jack

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This is just it. SF wanted to close the schools for a long time up North, the DUP didn’t.

I obviously am the last man around here to indulge in SF bashing and most of the time the arguments of “look what SF did when they were in government in the North” are very stupid because it’s a different legal country with a complete different method of government, tax structure, education system, society different everything.

However this is one of the few situations where you can look at what SF do up north and say that the approach they took there shows what they want to do down south. Especially because they’re calling for an All Ireland alligned approach.

They closed the schools up north and that’s it.