Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


Iā€™d say thereā€™d be a lot of contradictions in that letter.

Heā€™s not wrong.

That Farrell guy is a proven wanker.


Farrell is making a rod for his own back there.

If it turns out the leaks are coming from cabinet, would he maintain the opinion that it isnā€™t fit for purpose in itā€™s current form

Also, him giving out about it on Social Media is a bit ironic

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IIRC correctly every years theres over 100 peopele on trolleys nationwide with visitors banned due to antibiotic resistance superbug outbreaks. These super bugs are far more deadly than covid.

Dr Tony wonā€™t like this

What have cabinet to gain from leaking it? Leo misjudged the public mood with his TFK script tour de force on Claire Byrne and thought he could face down NPHET and curry favour. The public are on Team Tony so as soon as the recommendation gets out there pressure will build to implement it.

Lads, Seriously, do ye get out at all? Iā€™ve not met a single real life person who is in favour of more restrictions


Thereā€™s no way the government will ignore NPHET a second time.

Thereā€™ll be a truly hysterical reaction if they do. ā€œBut look at the thousands of people dying on the streets from this killer disease. And you still wonā€™t shut us down. A disgrace.ā€

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Too late. The numbers in Tallaght are shocking. Blood in your hands.

Who are they spreading it to so?

Long distance runners will be impacted mate

Every poll taken indicates that the majority of people are in favour of more restrictions. Iā€™m even seeing it myself now with people I know starting to think itā€™s a good idea with the rising cases

I know loads of people telling me this. Seriously.

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A lockdown would do wonders for my fitness.

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Iā€™m on WhatsApp groups where people seem to be leaning that way now too. The big fear is Christmas and they all reckon if we play along for this six week period, weā€™ll be allowed travel round the country and see family and friends as soon as itā€™s up. Seeing a lot of ā€œthe government should have gone with NPHET two weeks agoā€ talk as well :man_shrugging:


Iā€™ve just thought of something. I was thinking of spraying ā€œFuck NPHETā€ graffiti around the city. I suppose Iā€™ll have to buy my spray paint today because I wonā€™t be able to get any under level 5.

The 5km thing will be a killer for me as Iā€™m 10km away from the start of trails.

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