Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

How long was the initial full “lockdown” where construction was closed down and everything? Less than 6 weeks wasn’t it?

there’s a “covid hoax” and “fuck NPHET” sign on a sculpture on the roundabout outside cork airport.

It’s done in very bad script. Like a child or moron

Just break that.

That was me

I wouldn’t worry about it mate

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March 27th - May 18th

We were effectively in lockdown from Paddy’s Day or before it even.

that’s good advice.

I was talking to a local cop during the last 5km restrictions about going outside it to play golf. (met him down the local forest, kids are friends etc etc)

He said there is absolutely no problem in doing it, it’s only a recommendation, as long as you are socially distanced when you get there, washing hands etc. He basically said if you’re stopped have a Lidl bag in the back and say you’re going shopping.

Just don’t take the piss was his advice

And the reopenings were ponderously slow. Book shops didn’t open until June for example, they had been open in most of Europe for a month and a bit by then.

If we go back the arguments then for being slower than Europe, the plea was that we had to get it right and see what works. We also had to continue to build a world class tracing system.

NPHET didn’t direct for that, they actually continued to try to slow or stop reopenings for the most part.

He’s switched replies off. #runaway :joy::joy:

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I have a critical worker cert if anyone is stuck

Not if they run around in circles

Fuck that shit. I was enjoying the trails and mountains the last few months. In fairness I discovered a hape of new routes that I hadn’t hit in the previous two years up here. My big bank holiday run was planned to start and end in Carlingford, with most of it off-road. You can’t get in or out of the town at the moment without hitting at least one checkpoint

What would he do if you were taking the piss? They’ve no legal powers whatsoever. You can drive up and say howya Guard, I’m off to Dublin to a house party and there’s nothing they can do. Or you can tell them fucking nuttin and there’s still nothing they can do

Run passed them

I’ve to drive to the start mate :smiley:

Was out that way earlier and just got waved on at a checkpoint.

Drive to a jog cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Did you see the vid of the Dutch lad taking the piss? Nothing happened in the end bar a mass traffic jam

well I wouldn’t fuck with this fella anyway. He’s a nice chap until you crossed him.

1299 cases up north from 6280 individuals tested

20.6% positivity rate

Seems like and this Carroll wan didn’t appreciate the backlash and being picked apart for their laughable factcheck yesterday and are now trying to contact employers of people who took issue with it. I think anonymity on the internet and pseudonyms have never been more necessary. I thought a niche forum like TFK was an anachronism some time ago but the places where you can voice your opinions liberally are shrinking.