Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Far right schlock but quite funny


Jaysus. Is he off to a lynching?

Shows you it’s a cod really. Garda takes mask off and comes into the car.

Yer man in car was wrong too

where are you going… Aldi. Sound

what a fucking gowl in the car

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Standard tactic from the far right playbook

I’ve heard niphet are adding lightening strike deaths to the coronavirus tally. Revolting, shocking etc

Imagine in February someone told you the HSE were going to be put in charge of the country and everyone was going to be really happy about it :smiley:


I don’t get it

Me neither mate

The Press up lads will like this


Effing nazis

There would be a rise in suicides I’d say if we went 6 weeks lockdown and the dark nights coming in…

He skipped the country

150 posts here in 4hrs… Mad bastards.

The usual suspects will blame Leo and egghead for this again

151 now

Seems like one fella disagreed with their fact check article. Wasn’t even abusive. So they tagged in his employer. That is absolutely outrageous in fairness.


Jaysus lads we are a very unhealthy country, every fucker seems to have an underlying condition and need everyone else to do A, B, and C so that the Covid doesn’t get them.

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Better close the sports pitches so and get everyone in front of the TV watching boxsets and ordering in takeaway

It would suit a particular cohort of people in this country who do want everyone locked in. Usually these are the people that just don’t like having to engage people never have and never will so it suits them to have everyone suffer the same misery as them.

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