Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


They should be cancelled over that

51551 or

Another example of the shocking standard of journalism at this stage.

You just know that she sent out a blast yesterday to try and discredit the ad. Likely looked for some tenuous associations to the US “right wing” or RUSSIA.


It’s such a bizarre trait of the far left trying to get people fired for disagreeing with you.


1,299 cases today Free Staters.

Beat that.

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2 hours left to get to the pub @glenshane

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Lol, Gorey will beat that all by itself

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Tommie O Gorman will convert that to at least 10000 for here

Sober October. Sober fucking October.

Just wait until Dry December.

Ah no

I might just have to give it up altogether. One’s too many and two’s never enough

I’m not shaving and going on the blanket until the Lockdown finishes.

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It will be interesting to see the change in Derry Strabane for this in about 2 months time.

Edwin Poots says that nationalist areas and the GAA are letting the side down up there.

It’s a trait based on mental slavery, being so utterly convinced by something that you cannot even countenance that someone else could hold a different opinion, and if they do hold a different opinion they are dangerous. People with opposing opinions need to be silenced.

Masks are a perfect example. Those militant about mask wearing now openly call people out walking their dog without a mask dangerous or even murderers. They have completely bought into the narrative that masks prevent transmission. Anyone disagreeing has to be a Trump supporter, alt right fascist.

Here are the facts on masks. At least 90% of those wearing masks indoors are wearing a cloth mask or rag. These have been shown in numerous studies to block about 10% of the aerosol size particles that can infect one. Not worth a shit in other words if you actually encounter the virus or have the virus. The CDC study that Trump is on about found that 71% of the people they surveyed who tested positive for Covid said they always wore a mask and another 14% said they almost always wore a mask, so that’s 85% of that sample who wore masks but still got infected.

That’s not an argument against mask wearing, it’s an argument against religiously believing something that may not be true. The reality is people are getting infected whether they are wearing a mask or not, and the only way to avoid infection is to avoid people. Especially cunts wearing a mask who believe they are fully protected and can invade your personal space.


A few courts around Europe seeing sense and not wiping their holes with people’s constitutional rights. Great to see

Mask wearing has allowed shops dispense with social distancing. It’s all theatre.