Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Leo strengthened the fuck out of nphet on claire byrne the stupid cunt

His own boss Dr Nabarro said Lockdowns are counter productive

Can someone post a link up to that?

Here you go buddy

Yeah but Brenda doesn’t agree.

Agreed. How can they recommend level 5 when we tried it before and it didn’t work and there are 15 countries in the EU with a higher incidence rate than us and none of them are doing this. Those should be the first 2 questions that they ask Dr Cervical Check tomorrow.


Who’s going to ask Lee or Bowers?

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GAA are not doing themselves any favours. Have adopted position under 15 development squads fall within elite sport exemption.

Not moving from Level 3 to Level 5 is risky, he added. It will be a month to six weeks before it will be known if that has been the “right pathway". Dr Nabarro pointed out that there has been real build-up of the virus in other parts of Europe and there is no reason to believe that Ireland is going to escape.

“If you’re going to stay at Level 3 then please do everything to stop the spread of the virus,” he urged.

He seemed to change his mind about us not moving to level 5 more recently

We need to be stricter than all the other countries cos the Micks will be out slobbering all over each other at the first sight of a drink. We cant do regional restrictions cos we are too small (Belgium have regional rules bit sure the Micks wont follow them). We cant do what Sweden did because you cant mention anything positive about Sweden dont be silly.

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Has Luke O Neill disappeared?


We are the worst for believing other people stereotypes of us. It would be good if we could start thinking for ourselves once again

Restrictions are being ramped up everywhere lad. We aren’t an outlier

Why don’t we just open the pubs til 10pm and close the off licences and temporarily ban the sale of alcohol from supermarkets?

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Everything is back to normal in Sweden.

Because we don’t do common sense

we need to move faster because our health system is over burdened most winters without being in the middle of a pandemic.

FREEDOM is wasted on ye.

I heard Sweden was full of mass graves

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Why do you want to penalise the lad who would like a glass of wine with the dinner.