Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Lock down in all but name

They barely gave it a chance to work

Thank God I went for a few pints last night.


You may go for another few tonight cos thatā€™ll be it for a spell Iā€™d say

He probably got a letter from some school kid asking him to help the people of ireland and move the country to level 5


No surprise to see that weasel Harris pushing himself front and centre, with the breaking news.

He has only created more hysteria now.


What a shitshow of a government.

Ooooooh think twice, cause itā€™s another day for you and me in paradise.


Grow up.

Exactly what I thought. What a cunt. We cant make a decision because we need a full cabinet meeting but Iā€™m guaranteeing you thisā€¦


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What would she know? Sheā€™s on the front line. Those people havenā€™t a clue.

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Thatā€™s a fairly typical response of mainstream thought at the moment.

People who need the governmentā€™s permission to sit with their families for Christmas Dinner attacking people who donā€™t ask permission as behaving like children. Choco represents the majority of Irish people here. I have to wonder if there can be a future for me in this country, trying to live beside these absolute cretins.

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Fuck off away out of it then you moaning cunt

Didnt you have to ask your mommies permission before going to Poland

Lads stealing my thunder here


Iā€™m done with that now bud

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Just keep your head down for two weeks and keep the virus to yourself.

Tom, do you think theyā€™re wielding Christmas as a carrot and a stick to frighten Breda and Nuala and almost entice them into calling for level 5 in polls, vox pops and on social media? ā€œIf we donā€™t do this now then we wonā€™t have a Christmas.ā€

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Joe Public will not be adhering to further restrictions Iā€™m afraid. The Government have lost the panel so to speak.