Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


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The people want a lockdown. Give it to them for 6 months

Anyone who wants a lockdown is free to have one

Possibly pal … but I dont think it will work as it’s young people that are probably the big spreaders and and a lot of them dont give a fuck as the virus doesnt really affect them. They just want cans and drugs.

They are reporting facts with the numbers for cases, how people digest them is entirely their own choice.

Now their modelling is entirely different in that it seems to never come to fruition thankfully. Alas, it is still the Government where the buck stops and we are all caught with a Leadership of 3 which as the saying goes “ too many chiefs and not enough Indians “ so they are all ducking the hard calls.

We lock it down now for 6 weeks to save Xmas but we’ll be fucked again in late Feb and into March without doubt.
Leo knows this but he is only 1/3 of the voice now.

Local lockdowns would promote a change of attitude imo, National lockdown will totally destroy the actual narrative of reducing cases imo.

No that’s not how this works. Lock everyone down. Punish them for questioning NPHET.

Division doesn’t work pal. Unity does.

Not in this case I’m afraid, mate. Real urban - rural divide is happening.

Apart from government failings, I think it was @glasagusban and @Fagan_ODowd that had astute points on this the other day.

Firstly, when the virus was quiet (I now accept that the virus has human attributes myself) in May/June/July, we were slower than other countries to allow crowds back at entertainment/sporting events and to open the PUBS.

People went on staycations in August/September with their families and had to sit in some hotel bar atin a club sandwich with a pint of cider, while sitting in silence with their other half.

Naturally this hasn’t sated the communal desire for human contact and gatherings around the things people enjoy. They don’t want to get back under the bed again.

Secondly, people have more information on the virus and many are willing to take their chances on it. Even though that comes with the risk of the virus spreading to vulnerable members of the community.


We’re in this together.

Spot on, kid.

RTÉ are missing a trick with their one sided commentary. People who research facts themselves know the risks.

It boils my piss though when you have Nursing Homes getting lax of their duty of care.
A minority of Publicans who let their premises be overrun after GAA ( and other events tbf ) matches etc where spread was massive.

Public also fudged it, we got to a level where we got it down to manageable levels and we dropped the ball collectively.

Desperate times call for desperate measures but we are not at that crossroads yet so asking people to go back into full lockdown is ludicrous and frankly won’t happen now.

I said this last week. Knock around 30 years off the median age of death and people might genuinely start giving a fuck again

Hospitals were always at a tipping point in this country. Covid or no Covid. People on trolleys. Spending 12 hours in A & E waiting to be seen, waiting years on a waiting list for an appointment. We were almost immune to the shithousery from the HSE. Government didnt talk about it except at election time as a stick to beat the other crowd with. Now all of a sudden everyone has their two cents on capacity. There is none. That is the point. Never was.


In an ideal world, maybe.

Posts on bookface and reactions to it indicate differently.

Tipp Tipp Tipp.

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I spoke to someone working in Clonmel Hospital, they were never as quiet for the time of year.

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Get off Facebook pal… or else use it to spread love.

We’ve always been ahead of the curve here on TFK. I’m asking my brothers to show leadership once again here on the INTERNET and to band together in a show of unity to inspire the rest of the country.

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The big top 6 are all rural place.

We are the world
We are the children
etc etc