Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Now is not the time for fighting. We need to show the best side of humanity over the coming weeks ā€¦ vaccines are on the way and weā€™ll beat this bastard virus and itā€™s aversion of wet pubs ā€¦ We just need one last push.

The virus is making its last stand. It knows itā€™s beaten here

If we canā€™t stand together and defeat this thing as one then whatā€™s the point in living? What will you say to your children and grandchildren in years to come when they ask you about the final battle that defeated covid.

Will you be able to e-look your fellow TFkers in the e-eye when this is all over?

Our very essence is being questioned now. How will you respond?

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There are hundreds of flu strains and the specific ones that come around each year are different so they try and match the flu vaccine to the specific ones in circulation. Flu viruses also mutate rapidly so a vaccine that works against one strain may not work against a mutated strain of the same virus.

The Covid virus doesnā€™t mutate much and the vaccine is designed to target one specific aspect of the virus, the spike protein on the surface that attaches to human cells. It could mutate enough in the future to need a modification of the vaccine.


Iā€™ll stand over everything Iā€™ve said throughout the crisis.

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The voice of reason in a world gone stone mad

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As usual.

Give us Barabas !!!

Good post.

The lockdown has massively contributed to the collapse of my relationship with the only woman Iā€™ve ever loved, a woman that I wanted to start a family with. Although it is not the only factor, before the lockdown started I was living with this woman and thought that on balance of probabilities weā€™d end up marrying each other. She no longer lives in the country because thereā€™s no point whatsoever in her being here other than for me. In her home country she can live a normal life and do what she wants. I cannot argue with her decision.

I am old and by the time this lockdown ends in 3 or 4 years my chance to start a family of my own will have gone. That is now the most likely scenario, that I will never get married or have a family of my own. Now I live on my own and am in financial difficulty. I could easily lose my house within the next year.

I am being asked to sacrifice what remains if my slim chances of getting married to protect people who Iā€™ve never met and who already have had families. I am called selfish because I want the chance to have the things that they have already.

What will be the effect of not having a family on my own life expectancy? My complaints about this are dismissed as an ā€œeconomic considerationā€.

How low would your self-esteem have to be for an innocent person to agree to 3 or 4 years of house arrest for someone that youā€™ve never met?

We are told that young people are currently going through a self-esteem crisis. Why is their self-esteem so low? What about the lockdown has damaged their self-esteem? I would argue that no-oneā€™s self-esteem is damaged from being treated fairly. If their self-esteem has been damaged it follows that they must have been treated unfairly and the lockdown is unjust.

We are not all in this together.

You asked me what I would say to my children about how I fought covid. Realistically the only way I could have those kids would be if I repeatedly break lockdown.


Fuck mate :heartpulse: Assuming Iā€™m not on the street by then I am bringing you to my boozer when this is all done and we are gonna get stone cold motherfucking shitfaced


What age are you? I had you pegged for younger than me and I strongly hope that my chances of marriage and children have not past yet.

I turned 36 in Krakow. The day I went to Auschwitz actually.

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What day was that? I was 36 last week.

Fuck the lockdown. Go and get your hole


You stuip cunt,36 isnā€™t old.


I see no reason why we couldnā€™t be looking at 4 or 4 years of this. Tom Brady and @BruidheanChaorthainn have both been very cheered up by the prospect of a vaccine this week. Iā€™m not going to stake my whole life on those chances, thatā€™s not good enough.

Thatā€™s young mate, most men donā€™t marry until 30s these days and many late thirties, if they marry at all. Thereā€™s an awful lot of couples now that have kids and never marry. Keep the faith, this will be over before you know it, mid next year at the latest.

Go easy ffs. The man bared his soul and is in a bit of a bad place. Let him feel how he wants to feel.

Heā€™s coming across as a whiney bitch,I actually thought he was in his 60ā€™s the way he was moaning there.

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I watched the week in politics earlier, problem is and in fairness Brendan Howlin who I wouldnt be a fan of, tried to articulate it - ie whats going to be different after this lockdown.

Contact tracing has been a shambles - theyā€™ve more or less admitted now to giving up on it due to the current numbers. When we had no cases worth talking about during the summer why wasnt sufficient money/people put into it to get it right,

They need to be honest with the public tomorrow, they have to put in the resources for contact tracing, or else its as I fear, rinse and repeat for a number of years until thereā€™s a viable vaccine. And thatā€™s no going to be acceptable, it canā€™t be.

Level 4.5 or whatvever its called that weā€™re going into is going to do severe damage to not just the economy of the country as we go into winter - they have to weigh that up this time and provide a sensible exit strategy

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