Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

36 is no age. You’ll be a mother by 38 and a great one too.


This x100.If they can’t tell people what the plan is for after the lockdown they’re wasting everybody’s time.


If you’re not allowed be a whiny bitch on here we may all lave it so

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Give over.

2 years I reckon.

If a vaccine is found it’ll take that long for it to be produced and circulated and I hardly think the Nphet will be the top boys at organizing it.

Failing that, societies are going to shift towards accepting the continued risk, finding better ways to protect the vulnerable, and getting on with life.

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He reeled me in there for a minute, I was actually feeling sorry for him thinking he was @anon67715551 or @Fagan_ODowd age.36 ffs.Get a grip

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Gods make their own importance


Did you leave a bastard after you in Brazil?


The UK have already acquired and stockpiled huge amounts of vaccine. The vaccine has been manufactured and is ready to go once the approvals come through. They don’t wait for approval to manufacture it.

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Boris and Donald are and always have been our only hope of getting out of this sorry mess.

Great, let the rest of the world get the vaccine and we won’t have to.

It’s fascinating to see @Thomas_Brady’s inner simon harris starting to emerge here


Bosco voice and all


It’ll be a Level 4.5 where non essential retail is open but you’re not allowed to leave your house to shop


Nphet is made up of the top HSE and a D/Health officials, doctors and civil servants. Until now they been given control of our response to the pandemic. It’s been a shit show, and it’s cast into the limelight for all to see.

I’m coming around to the view that our health system is dysfunctional, not just because of government policy, but also because the top people in it are totally and utterly fucking useless.



It took you 36 years to reach that conclusion?


I’m almost speechless! Imagine all this time not thinking those cunts had some/all the blame for that shit show?!

Fucking civil servants

There are none so blind as those who will not see.