Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Brenda and nuala are to blame. Joe encourages it as he loves the pain

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“influencers” regurgitating his crap now. Some use of taxpayers money

Different people suffer completely different symptoms of crohn’s. It can be completely debilitating.


Fair enough, I can only go on the one person I know with it. Fortunately I, or anyone close to me hasn’t suffered from it.

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Well then don’t try to make little of the condition because someone you don’t like has it. It makes you seem a like a cunt.


That’s a lovely message from Simon, fair play to him

Him.speaking out of turn caused this stress


The hoodie. :laughing:

He’ll be live streaming Sound Baths for the Nation at this rate.

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A 6 week lock down is the only answer to this.

People are making up economic reasons why it shouldn’t happen but in reality they are just concerned with getting their lattes and few pints. No one gives a fuck about the economy.

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Put them all on 350 a week so and see how they like it.


Top rate for PUP now is €300 I think mate.



A lot of people truly don’t give a fuck about anything but themselves.

My Mrs has worked in retail on and off for years. She left a supervisory role that paid decent when we moved up here. She has done a SNA course and had been applying for jobs on that up here before she got pregnant. This year she went back into retail as we needed her to work. She gets minimum wage and works anywhere from 20-30 hours (occasionally more) per week.

She works in a store that she doesn’t mind. It sells giftware, jewelry and ladies fashions, stuff she’s all sold in the past. However, it’s in a shopping centre and she’s coming home from work increasingly pissed off. When she’s manning the door for a bit every day (they’re allowing ten customers in at any one time), she’s constantly getting abuse from customers as to why they’ve to queue. She said people are spending loads of time browsing (some over an hour in the one shop). Mask compliance is gone to fuck once people get in the door. They’re buying their takeaway coffees and drinking them going round the centre. People are using the shopping centre as a meeting point, with large groups congregating. I think that’s somewhat understandable given that other options have been cut off. It’s annoying the fuck out of her cos we can’t travel to see family or friends and don’t know when we can leave the county again. I try to explain to her that shopping centres are not really spreading this, but she won’t hear it. She’s gone from OIUTF to firmly LIDTF


Free State Active Cases - circa 25k
ICU admitted - 31
0.12% of cases in ICU

O6 Active Cases - circa 22k
ICU admitted 26
0.11% of cases in ICU

It’s a fucking cod.


I’ve heard great things about sound baths and I’d like to do one. I imagine some of the energy would be lost via the internet transmission though.

a good hard lockdown for eight weeks is the only way, if ye are good boys, ye might be let out for Christmas


Welcome back mate