Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Ok, the reporting on this is ridiculous, it implies all the cases connected to this guy’s travel.

In fact, there’s a number of links in the chain, including a woman who had a test and went and infected a load of people while awaiting the result, and a bunch more who shouldn’t have been visiting each other’s homes and whatever else they were doing. Those cases aren’t linked to travel, they’re linked to people not obeying restrictions and guidance at home. These are cases occurring in Ireland, not abroad. Scaremongering about foreign travel makes people think travel is dangerous, implying home is safer, increasing inclination to be less guarded. It’s not, we’re riddled, and the cause isn’t travel.

This is probably what the health bonces are briefing the media, but it’s not only sensationalist reporting it’s utterly specious reasoning. If you want to follow this tenuous line of connection then every single fucking case in ireland is related to travel. On a final point, I expect there isn’t even any evidence that the guy picked up corona abroad. Given the state of Ireland it’s more likely he picked it up at home.


Good to have you back

August. Thanks for the speedy reporting by our public health overlords.

I was over for the weekend, every time I go back the place is getting worse, the Irish are a disgraceful shower of people, letting themselves be pushed around by a useless government and the nutcases in Nephet, the country is destroyed economically and socially at this stage


Whats the betting chairman dan will be back shortly too. # the same poster.

:clap: :clap:

its needs to be level five, the Irish people demand it

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You see that’s the problem, a lack of basic cop on.

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Hope you are well tossy.

Society hasn’t had it for some time, whats makes you think they were going to develop it now in the midst of a pandemic?

Slovakia is going to test the entire country. They’ve procured 13 million 15 minute antigen tests, and the army is going to manage testing everyone at 7,000 test centers. This is being pursued as a last chance to avoid full country lockdown.

NPHET advice in Ireland: level 5.


Rampant consumerism has us in a lot of bother.

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Sorry, I would have replied earlier there, but I was on amazon.

Lockdowns disproportionately affect/effect the poor

There isn’t much out there that doesnt.

The WHO has dismissed lockdowns, Paddy laps them up based on dangerous nutters with nice safe salaries in the nephet, Its appalling what is going on in Ireland, what the fuck have the HSE being doing all summer



Why doesn’t she throw herself down on the couch with the boxsets on and the laptop in the corner and call that a day’s work like most of the lads here do?

There’s been no one to hold them to account. Where were you when we needed you tossy mate?

Seems will ne “level 4 plus” , official ireland cant even decide if we move to 4 or 5 so they make another bit of a level