Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Deep down in places they dont like to talk about at parties, the Irish people need a lockdown.

The tests would be well out of date before we would even have a project plan for this put together.

Cos she won’t get paid to do that unfortunately

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That’s leadership from the Slovaks, it may not work but it’s taking the bull by the horns.

they are making it up as they go along

Ah i know i was just having a dig at lads who do fuck all…sorry who work from home.

A lockdown kills all the retail jobs. They can go with all the jobs in hospitality, travel and gyms I suppose. Middle class, WFH, Social Media driven Paddy doesn’t seem to give a fuck

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Aye. I’m lucky in a way that I can work from home but it’s dramatically changed my work, and not in a good way. As always, it’ll be the working class and those in the low paying wages that’ll suffer first.

It’s critical to lock down the country now so people can go shopping before Christmas

And get langers and sing and call to each other’s houses.

Whats wrong with calling to each others houses?

It will be, and the smaller business owner who’s having to open and close their business every few weeks while giants like Tesco or Amazon are making a killing. A good mate of mine has a pub in east Limerick. Spent a lot of money on it during lockdown, completely refurbished he place. He was allowed to open for about 3 weeks and now he’s shut again, indefinitely. How could anyone run or invest in their business in these conditions?


Look at the weather outside.

Telling publicans and restaurants they can stay open - just with a limit of 15 and they have to be outdoors…

Lads want to be forced to sit on couch watch TV and eat and drink and not allowed move so they can save Christmas when most people “sit on the couch, watch TV, eat and drink…”


Fuck it. My small business is open but it may as well be shut. The only paying customer I’ve seen in weeks was a gp from donegal who stood on top of me for half an hour telling me how great his children are.
As far as the virus goes he said he was preaching the orthodoxy of masks and handwashing.
I could have said he was ignoring the bits about social distancing and essential travel.
But 50 quid is 50 quid.


Slovakia couldn’t even accurately test 25 Irish football players and staff. Good luck testing the entire population

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Get out there and have one last pint in the freezing cold and lashing rain this evening before Holohan makes it illegal

I presume the 15 outside thing was to avoid being sued or something ? It was some kick in the teeth to publicans.

And that’s on a population of 5.5 million.

What’s the point of further restrictions if people are just ignoring them anyway? I think this is the real issue, closing Argos or Homebase for a few weeks won’t put an end to house parties or help with morons who can’t follow simple instructions.

Yeah and behave like apes for a fortnight to be followed by another lockdown in January.