Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I think it could be like a reverse ball hop from the government. They’ll announce level 2 and the mood of country will change instantly.

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Slovakia has managed the pandemic far better than Ireland. You look a right idiot attempting to look down your nose at them.

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AND they qualified for the Euros

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Their President looks better than ours as well.



He was probably one of those apes supporting the travel ban in the summer. Everyone is infected except Paddy.

“Keep out the foreigners and look after the undocumented in the US.”


Stopping travel was only really effective at the beginning but we were told we couldnt place restrictions on incoming EU nationals.

The Claire Byrne show will have a few helpful pieces on how to survive level 4.5 on the show tonight
How to make a mug of tea etc


Other EU countries placed restrictions on incoming travel during the lockdown period and lifted them afterwards. Paddy didn’t have any travel restrictions during lockdown and introduced them after the lockdown ended.

You actually couldn’t make it up.

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It’s not ok to look down your nose at Slovakia but grand to look down your nose at “Paddy”.

Get a grip of yourself. I didn’t have you down as one of the Paddy whacker simpletons

He really should be health minister. Imagine the health service with him in charge, it would run like a well oiled machine. :slight_smile:

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I was out cycling with an extremely intelligent lass yesterday (an actuary). I told her Ireland had had a 5k lockdown. She was incredulous.


Lads, if this doesn’t bring us back from the brink of this insanity, nothing will.

Everyone needs a computer to do the Christmas shopping online to avoid queues.

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He is like the Pied Piper that fella. He looks like the lad that would give a limp wet handshake, when there was such a thing as handshakes.

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the laughing stock of Europe, what is the science behind the five k thing? its something that psychopath Holohan came up with

Our approach to travel smacks of a false superiority complex and deserves to be ridiculed.


it would have a lot more credence if you left out the paddy whackery shit and stopped playing to a gallery. Get a grip

Paddy told to to stay at home and staycation during the summer, where did that get him? another lockdown thats what :sweat_smile:


Big Phil tried to do his bit to prop up the hospitality industry and they hounded him out of his job