Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Its insanity what’s happening.

At least we got to sit on the rocks below in Bunclody :grinning:


Did you tell her that we’ve the Stay and Spend scheme to look forward to at least?


there is no strategy, what happens after they open it up again and it explodes again, another lockdown?


Am I missing something? As far as I was aware there is no 5km restriction in place

yes, there previously was a 5km restriction back in april

Flatty spoke in the past tense

Hospitality tax relief introduced the month they close down the hospitality sector



The paddywhackery is coming from NPHET and our government, I’m merely pointing it out.

NPHET won’t trust Paddy

Sticking their thumbs up their holes as they have been doing since they were created.

Is there somewhere in the last 500 posts that details what the new restrictions might be? What remains open vs closed?

Don’t be silly


Do you think that Ireland with a population of 5 million odd should do full testing of the population or just stay under the bed until Easter?

Its like the Lisbon Treaty, “We’re gonna do this as many times as it takes to get it right”.

The next six weeks are critical

Sure isn’t their always a lockdown in January when everyone is broke.

I can’t square the circle of what testing the entire population will achieve.

You test everyone. a certain percentage have it, they isolate/you have a short lockdown/etc

Nothing changes in terms of the next testing period or if the virus spreads again. You’d have to keep testing the entire population.

You’d get a very clear picture of how many have it and how low the death rate actually is.

Other than that though, I’d be inclined to agree. Would be savage intensive on resources and you’d have to keep at it.

it will be a valuable experiment for the rest of the World for sure.
Also, it will obviously eat in to targeted testing in future.

It will have benefits but none of them for Slovakia, which is sound of them