Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

its absolutely insane what is happening in Ireland, completely bonkers, a big “crunch” cabinet meeting today, I wonder what the coalition of chaos will come up with

Combine it with robust contact tracing. Then keep on top if it.

You wouldn’t need contact tracing if you were testing the entire population would you? You’d know exactly who had it.

I was wondering about this over the weekend. Ireland now tests 100k a week. If you could increase that ten fold then you could test the whole country over the course of a month on a province by province basis.

And then contact trace the new cases. Plus you need to robustly ensure that positive cases are quarantining.

Our hearts. Our minds.


And then at the end of the month, you could start all over again.

Great to have you back tass are you taking refugees over kn the mainland?

The head of science foundation Ireland says we are small enough to test the entire country every two weeks. The whole country could essentially operate as normal if we did that.


it costs 200 quid a test or thereabouts. 1 billion every 2 weeks.

How long would it take to process 5 million tests? How much would that cost?

so basically zero covid?

Managing it to acceptable levels. Never going to eliminate it there are always going to be variables. But as we’ve seen this year, when you get on top of it, you need to keep on top if it.

It’s coming back apparently :grimacing:


“There is also a view that travel limits will most likely be in the range of 5km to 10km” from RTÉ today.

Thanks, I had to take a break from this place, it was the same thing every day, lads repeating themselves for months, it would drive you ape. I laid off 40 lads last week here on the mainland over this cod of a thing, its beyond a joke now


Shur you’ve already contradicted what you said in the post meant to be backing up what you said!

so you’d have to keep testing the entire population? Doing it once will have zero effect on future mitigation efforts, at huge cost and at the detriment of future targeted testing.

The benefits will be getting a snapshot of the disease at the point of time the tests are processed

Apologies. I read 5km earlier today in one report. Now RTÉ is saying 5-10. It’ll be 6.84km by the end of today

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Great to see tassoti/chairman dan back.