Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Well my point, which I made in my post, was that we’re already processing in excess of 100k per week so maybe a ten-fold increase would be possible.

No one bit the first time bro.

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Jesus that is tough news. Hope you are holding up after it. Nothing changed on tfk im still shouting the same nonsense

Also have you considered the cost if the current lockdown? The cost of a mass testing programme would have to be weighed against that.

they aren’t mutually exclusive. Being the only country in Europe testing everyone would still incur costs associated with the pandemic. You’d be getting a double whammy

cheaper than a lockdown though.

Slovakia is testing everyone.

Besides we need to start leading the way. Other countries would start following if it’s successful.

they are testing everyone once. absolutely pointless unless they align with a zero covid strategy after they’ve done it. Which includes no travel in or out

Not hiding behind fake phone calls this time

testing everyone every 2 weeks does not mean there will be no lockdown. Unless you have serious travel restrictions like New Zealand. And zero covid does not mean a good economy. New Zealands economy is fucked also.

Whatever which way you cook it, we’re in a pandemic and there is no silver bullet.

Also, it is not possible to test 5 million people every 2 weeks.

We could do like the Cypriots, everyone travelling to Ireland needs a negative test 3 days before. We could also have mandatory testing at the airport.

are you advocating zero covid here?

Im advocating testing each province once a month

200 to buy a test or process it from start to finish? Surely there’d be some economies of scale with mass testing? How come in some countries in Europe you can rock up and get a covid test for under 100 quid?

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I think it’s to process from start to finish. the kit, the labs, the resources etc.

testing one province every month and not testing the others?

I wonder when the government said how much that costs are they including the costs of the workers time and use of labs which are fixed costs anyway? I’ve heard them say it costs 200 alright, it just seems off to me considering you can get a private test for considerably less in most of Europe.

Slovakia are going to use the Antigen tests which cost between 5 and 10 euro each for their mass testing. They’ll capture the most infectious but not good enough to replace to PCR testing which Ireland currently uses.

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They cost Slovakia 4 euro each according to the article I read.

Did they get them on ali express?