Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Firstly, it isnā€™t the case that there will be no advantages without zero covid.

If youā€™re out on the street and you know every wingless person has tested negative in the past few weeks that puts you in a far safer situation. Restrictions could probably be eased in those circumstances even without a zero covid approach.

Secondly, if it is successful I would expect the northerners to bite the bullet and join us in it within 6 months. That would open the possibility of a zero covid island.

thatā€™s the testing kit. How much for the resources to do the tests, the cost of transporting the tests, the cost of processing the tests, the cost of distributing the results. This is a major, major undertaking.

No testing one province each week on a rolling basis, a rolling 4-week cycle.


The article didnā€™t say.

Yes of course. But I still highly doubt the cost is 200 per test in Ireland.

Greece has had open travel from EU + 13 countries since July, with targeted testing at the airports, weighted towards more testing of arrivals from countries with higher infection rates.

Despite being open to international travel it has remained one of the safest destinations in Europe according to the EU traffic light system.

If you apply Irelandā€™s reasoning on international travel Greece should be riddled. It isnā€™t and Ireland is.

Ireland is wrong.

Simple as.


Slovakia have tested less than half the amount of people that Ireland have despite having a larger population. Iā€™m skeptical that they can suddenly test everybody in the country

I had a lovely week in Italy two weeks ago, it was a lot safer than going to Ireland

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No one coughing and spluttering all over you I bet.

cc @batigol

the study by United Airlines :smiley: :smiley:


Up there with Kevā€™s Persil study.


99.7 %. Even if we adjust for bias ā€¦

Thatā€™s a silly response. There is practically zero evidence that international travel is a serious risk, in fact, thereā€™s lots of evidence to the contrary.

Ah nowā€¦

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what evidence? If noone travelled from China thereā€™d be no pandemic.

All major disease control organisations have recommended systems for dealing with international travel. If it wasnā€™t a risk why would they do that?

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Thatā€™s also a silly response. Do you want to close the door after the horse has bolted or lock everyone up inside their own borders forever?

International travel is part of the world we live. Our country more than others needs it to survive.

The European Centre for disease control says international travel is not a risk.

EU countries that allow international travel have lower infection rates than us. Why is that?

that is an outright lie. They have recommended a traffic light system for Europe and left it to the individual nations to implement whatever restrictions they see fit for amber and red

of course not, but to expect borders to be fully open and people swanning all over the world is fanciful, at best, during a pandemic

youā€™ve the hump because I called you out on your paddywhackery nonsense earlier :smiley: