Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Yeah I caught the opening gambits on that segment as I was picking up a few messages. Had to turn it off. Bleakest Monday I can remember in a long time.


You are a gas man. We live in a country that has generations of experience covering things up.

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Grand, wait and see and meanwhile waste billions in pursuing proven failed strategies instead of trying to take the bull by the horns and try something different.


None of the reasons that you’ve given for why we’ve done badly stand up to scrutiny.

The real reason we’ve done badly is because we’ve made a games of it.

I’ve point this out to you a number of times and given you examples. You keep rejecting this.

You are making excuses and denying that the reason we’ve done badly is our own poor management of the crisis.

if they were covered up properly you wouldn’t know about them you ham

Indeed the truth will generally prevail, even if it takes years or decades.

Your posts are an example of why.

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welcome to Ireland 2020

I don’t present them to stand up to scrutiny, they are presented matter of fact.

Rejecting it by saying yeah, we’ve made a balls of somethings but done ok on other things is it?

everywhere has done badly @glasagusban. No one has escaped it, you don’t seem to accept this fact though and are peddling this bullshit that we are worse off than everywhere else

No I don’t think there’s a cover up. It’s actually all on record.

End of March;

He said: “So what you need is a comprehensive strategy, involving social restrictions, social distancing, testing, contact tracing and isolation of those who are positive. That’s very much what they’ve done in South Korea and that’s actually the model we’re following here,” he said.

Further down the line in May

Contact tracing at their level was described as;

In contrast, Japanese and South Korean contact tracing goes further back in time to establish where the sick person initially caught the virus. This has led to greater knowledge of what situations the virus spreads in – which differ from country to country due to cultural and social norms – and can allow for more precise policy responses to keep the virus under control.

Test & Trace was under the direction of NPHET and to be coordinated by the HSE. Never mind that they are often one and the same.

In Ireland, the National Testing Strategy for COVID-19 involves testing people who meet the case definition (people with symptoms) or their identified close contacts. It is directed by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) and coordinated by the HSE.

Staff were not deployed or redeployed over the summer as “not needed”, see the Oireactas report from August.

Of the 1,700 people trained approximately 300 were deployed
to Departments of Public Health and approximately 700 were deployed in CTCs. The remaining
trained staff were not required to date. Currently there are six CTCs in operation on rotation. Only
one CTC is used per day given the current low numbers of confirmed cases.

Further to the resources question, the HSE did not hire thousands of potential admin/contact tracers from their “Be on call for Ireland” campaign.

September- Philip Nolan on Twitter in response to criticisms that there were few outbreaks in restaurants and pubs, comes out to “set the record straight”.

Contact tracing beyond 48 hours was an “academic exercise”. Nolan also blamed resources.

Two days later he went on RTÉ and clarified, saying it was that Irish people were too forgetful.

About one week later, Ireland started going back before 48 hours.

Dr Glynn said health officials had also endorsed plans to begin “enhanced retrospective contact tracing” to try a get a clearer picture of where cases are coming from.

He said contact tracers will work to gather more information from people patients classified as community transmission to allow the environments and activities that generate the highest levels of the virus to be more accurately and quickly identified.

Glynn “endorsed” this - that’s a carefully chosen word there by him. They were supposed to be directing this. Basically, unlike in the case with Aviation (where we were a special case), NPHET went against the government strategy to be like South Korea and went with the European approach to contact tracing. On the one hand we were told that there wasn’t the resources, on the other resources were redeployed because there wasn’t the cases but then by September we could finally trace properly.

I don’t think that 7 months down the line that we can hide behind “it’s a crisis”. I don’t necessarily approve of the mass testing strategy but at least someone is taking accountability for it. Test & Trace was one of the most important lines of defense we had for this but noone will take ownership for the failure made. If it was Simon Harris or Donnelly’s job then that’s fine.

So no, I don’t think there’s a cover up. What I think is that we still have a public in the thrall to Nphet as heroes. We have a media who can’t ask the right questions. We have opposition politicians (with some notable exceptions) afraid to ask questions. Everyone is “following the experts” and not being all “Brexity”.


Off licences to remain open but
gyms are to close. Very hard to see any logic to that.

What time is the state of the nation address later? Around 9pm?

Favourable journalists should be briefed a couple of hours before with deliberate leaks so we will be braced for the worst of what’s coming.

Exceptional posting here today mate


You’d miss when the biggest issue we had was what movie Leo would quote

who is taking accountability for it?

Their PM. He said he will resign if it doesn’t happen.

Speaking to the nation in a televised address, Matovic promised that if the widespread testing does not happen, he would tender his resignation.


Be hard to top the Lord of the Rings one.

You take Slovak politicians at their word, do you? Accountability is in deed not word Tim

We are worse off. Over the last few months we had more restrictions in place than other EU countries, and yet we have higher rates of infection. More people have died in Ireland than in most other EU countries. That is “worse off”. I don’t understand how anyone can deny that.

I don’t think there is a perfect solution. But we should be critical of our own response, because it should be a lot better.

Right, so we’re back to this level of inane posting full of suppositions.

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