Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

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Stephen Donnelly and Varadkar have been proven very very wrong.

Dr Tony proven right.

If you try to organise a legit demonstration against the lockdown at the moment those Yellow Vest cunts and other fascist groups will turn up an hour before hand and destroy it.

Mattie is delighted to read this.

Iā€™m switching this shit off

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When he says reopen for December he hardly means pubs

Fair enough, but as you say thatā€™s their own decision.

I agree with most of what youā€™re saying anyway. Iā€™m not hugely leaning one way or the other though. But TFK seems very much an outlier in terms of popular opinion. A huge chunk of the population is annoyed we didnā€™t get to Level 5 before now and many are aghast at the schools being left open.

Itā€™s a crap situation anyway. And not helped by misleading arguments. I havenā€™t seen the potential catastrophic data that supports this decision, but likewise any of the data based counterarguments are usually based on misinterpretations too.

Are we fearing direct deaths or the exposure of our sub-standard health system? And Iā€™ll try my best not to sound preachy or judgy about this next bit but the lock-ins and that sort of bolloxology after GAA games and whatever absolutely fucked everyone over. I had many arguments with Green Party government reps about how sport should be opened up and decent attendances allowed and it was ridiculous to prevent reasonable crowds going to GAA matches. But my point seems foolish now given the widespread disdain for anything approaching the spirit of the rules.


Weā€™ll get to the end of the six weeks and one of two things will happen, numbers will be down as youā€™d imagine they will be and screaming Maryā€™s will be saying you canā€™t open the pubs/restaurants/let people play sport/have a life weā€™ve done so well to get the numbers down we canā€™t throw it all away now. Or numbers wonā€™t be down and thereā€™s still no way they can open it up again


Will she ask how they plan to increase capacity in Hospital whilst we hunker down?

He fucking better

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The voice of sanity that TFK needs, good man

Youā€™re as much a screaming mary as the screaming Maryā€™s youā€™re giving out about.

The 6 weeks will finish up. People will be fatigued of the restrictions. The numbers will be down and weā€™ll be back in level 2 for Christmas.

No wonder France went into a State of emergency with the GAA clubs carryon

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Will she ask if they have approached China for reimbursement of the costs of these Lockdowns?

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I think all the venues where these lock-ins occurred are getting away fairly easily in the blame game in respect to this point.


Domestic travel restrictions

Stay at home.

Exercise within 5 kilometres of home.

There will be a penalty for movement outside 5 kilometres of home, with the following exemptions:

  • travel to and from work, where work involves providing an essential service
  • to attend medical appointments and collect medicines and other health products
  • for vital family reasons, such as providing care to children, elderly or vulnerable people, and in particular for those who live alone but excluding social family visits
  • for farming purposes, that is food production or care of animals
  • to visit a grave

This suggests you cannot shop outside 5km but yoj can
go anywhere to visit a grave :man_shrugging:t2:

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Iā€™d be very very surprised if this isnā€™t exactly what plays out.

Yup. Weā€™re fucked either way.

Numbers down, it worked, we need to keep locked down to make it work, itā€™s the only way

Numbers stay the same, we need to keep things locked down til it gets better, come on guys, weā€™re in this together.

I genuinely feel sorry for those working in small businesses that rely on footfall customers. This 6 week lock down will certainly fold a number of businesses. Itā€™s already been tough, but this will be the final straw for a lot of them.