Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Here’s the HIQA document:

As you’ll see if you read it, there was a 33% spike and then a decrease. Some will argue the 33% spike was a blip. Others will argue the 33% spike was people dying earlier than normal. The decrease afterwards was that trend ending, those people not dying (because they were already dead) and the numbers levelling out. But that second point itself is an argument for the lockdown as I see it. In other words it may be a choice between a continued 33% increase or a short spike and then a regression to norms afterwards.

Yeah fair point on public health success. I don’t even mean a Covid success either because I think there are still question marks over it as a strategy. But I think from a pure Covid cases number it was a success (which is not surprising and isn’t, on its own, a justification to repeat the process).

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Malahide Celtic are true club of that parish. Malahide United sold out to Gerry Gannon and don’t represent the average tennis/soccer fan in the area.




At least they couldn’t drink out of the shield.


A Sacar club have a parish :joy::joy::joy:

I am very worried about my ability to discuss the pandemic with non-TFK posters.


The GGA must listen

What’s this bro?

I’m sorry, this just isn’t acceptable.
I need to take some time off TFK for the rest of the evening now to plot out my assassination plan.


67% of people surveyed don’t want a gag championship this year




Who ran this survey?

The gaa

Clare Byrne and her shed

Fuck Milton

Oh, it’s just RTÉ. Seriously lads, you need to stop watching this stuff.

The reality here is that we made a fundamental error early on in this, and it’s been repeated all over the World.

The politicians didn’t have a clue what was going on or what to do (naturally) when it first broke out. They were absolutely shitting themselves so they put the NPHET lads front and centre and did a Pontius Pilate job on it and washed their hands of it and said these lads are in charge now we are just following their advice.

This meant that the health service wasn’t just the primary concern, it was the only one. Which is fine for closing down, but not so much for opening up.

As the government have attempted to rebalance the lens through which this is viewed to take into account other factors such as jobs, costs etc NPHET have used the media as a tool to bring the government back to heel.

There is a very difficult adult conversation to be had about what is an acceptable level of deaths, the easy sound bite is no deaths are acceptable, and if we can save just one life etc. But of course that’s insanity. People die, all the time, it’s shit but it’s reality. NPHET have been mandated to stop this virus which is fine and maybe if viewed solely through that lens everything they are doing is correct. But it only accounts for one factor of a much bigger picture and may not save many or even any lives on balance and the costs are phenomenal.

NPHET too are only human and they don’t want to be seen to be to blame for people dying anymore than the politicians do. So they are going to be overly cautious in nature. NPHET are as someone else pointed out also extremely conflicted, being made up of a lot of very senior HSE staff and the danger of the health service collapsing under even moderate strain wouldn’t reflect well on them.

NPHET should brief the government and then the Government should speak to all the different stakeholders and come back with a balanced approach, that tries to take into account everything and doesn’t just destroy the country for the sake of it. NPHET should not be allowed to speak in public. They are an advisory group and they should fade back into the background where they belong.

We won’t know for maybe a decade as to who was right or wrong or what should and shouldn’t have happened. There may never be a consensus on it. And in a situation where no one knows what the right thing to do is, it is very difficult to blame anyone for their decisions either way.
However anyone who dissented even slightly from what is after all just one theoretical way of dealing with this has been ostracised. It means the only ones willing to take the opposite side of debates are 5G, Gemma O’Doherty nut job types which means only one side is ever heard. This cannot be healthy.

We do know one thing for certain so far NPHET/HSE were tasked with sorting contact tracing and ICU capacity. Contact tracing has been a complete and utter failure. A shambles really from start to finish. And they are actually shouting loudly about how they did fuck all about ICU and using their failures as a reason to lock it down again. The experts should not only be questioned, they should be held to account.


I’d say most people voting thought they were entering a Late Late competition for a car

They probably got that as a bonus and a ticket to the virtual toy show audience

When ego’s overtake responsibilities we all suffer