Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Reading through the list of shops that can open there seems fuck all that can’t open. Clothes shops and Smyths the obvious ones. But places like big tescos cover both.

The WHO says the Covid 19 mortality rate is at least 10 times higher than the flu.

National Geographic have reported the mortality rate from Covid to be 50 times higher.

Johns Hopkins estimates that the death rate for Covid is 10 times greater or higher.

Breaking it down into smaller cohorts is irrelevant if that’s the increased scale of deaths overall.


2 suicides last night in Clare. People can’t take it anymore

Anyone who says we are in this together will be told stick it up their fucking hole. Its scary how many people take the soup


What’s the mood on the ground in Ireland? Total and utter despair?

Helplessness and despair

You can see the fear in people’s faces.

I’m considering a move to North Korea for a bit of freedom


Presume all the government and rte workers are on the 350 Euro a week as a show of solidarity.

Getting the mother to email me a list of every distant relative’s grave.


I’m feeling quite chipper this morning actually. Having a leisurely breakfast here.

Its awful for the young people, another 6 weeks of house arrest under a totally useless Government being dictated to by a psychopath

They’re back raving on the mainland @Tassotti

But how much of that is influenced by the first wave.

In Belgium for instance, the fatality rate of the second wave has dropped by a multiple of 46 compared to the first wave.

Has every country in Europe more or less kicked to touch for now in the hope there’s a vaccine ready to roll out from January onwards?

But enough about Boris.

That could be a factor but it seems to be mostly speculative.

Most of the credible data I’ve seen suggests a much higher death rate. I’m not trying to convince anybody of anything. I’m happy to be corrected but I hear and read anecdotal statements saying it’s no more dangerous than the flu and then the usual medical sources are all saying something very different.

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On Belgium

If you take the first wave to be 1st case - 31 July
Cases to 31 July: 68,006
Deaths to 31 July: 9,715
Fatality rate: 14%

Cases 1 Aug - present: 154,247
Deaths to 1 Aug to present: 698
Fatality rate: 0.45%

So the fatality rate has fallen by a multiple of 31 times in the second wave.

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As of now in pretty much every European country, the fatality rate has fallen by double digit multiples.

There could be a lag between cases and deaths, but if that kind of trend continues to bear out then it’s a cod.

The mean age in England and Wales of people who died was 82.4 years of age. Unless you are extremely elderly, have underlying health conditions or are generally in poor physical shape, the chances of this being anything more serious than your standard flu are probably very remote, probably as remote as flu which we live with every winter and which in the 26 seems to overwhelm the health system every winter.

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