Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Itā€™s on page 16!

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Humans donā€™t get to decide who lives and who dies alright. But no life is sacred either. Itā€™s tragic for loved ones to lose people but the very nature of the universe says that life is expendableā€¦ Sickness, predators, time, habitats - they all prey on lifeā€¦ No one has a divine right to live forever and not be touched by these things. The planet itself will be gone and us with it some dayā€¦ We are indeed expendable ā€¦ in a greater sense of existence.


There are fairly graphic adverts about how drink, fags and driving can hurt you pumped into the airwaves every day. All of those activities are regulated, heavily, you accept this.

you wonā€™t accept any regulation against a virus that is deemed a public health danger the world over.

Who are you willing to trade?

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the main goal of a society is to protect members of that society. That shouldnā€™t come from governance. Thatā€™s societies remit. Protect each other, the vulnerable more so. Old and Young and the sick. Otherwise itā€™s not a society.

My problem has always been that I operate on a much higher plane of existence.

You didnā€™t address my gut health query yet you absolute let down of a human being.


Iā€™d take ads that covid 19 is dangerous and to wash your hands, wear a mask, socially distance and exercise personal prudence

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coming up on 1 million deaths globally in 9 months. Do better.

Iā€™m getting rightly tired of you misrepresenting what Iā€™m saying on this and other threads. I have never once said that. I want consistency and proportion. There is nowhere near the restrictions on scciety for smoking, alcohol, fatty foods or mental health and ALL of them are bigger killers than Coronavirus.

Iā€™m personally not willing to trade anyone. No right thinking person would. But Iā€™ve lost immediate family to several of the above. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™d expect society to grind to a halt because of it.

I would (and have) followed every bit of advice. But itā€™s completely disproportionate, itā€™s out of kilter with most other countries and itā€™s not addressing some of the bigger causes of cases.


How many people died this year around the globe ?

I donā€™t know.

We are in a pandemic. Almost a million people have died in 9 months, despite an almost global lockdown.

thatā€™s absolute bollocks. The only consistency is you having a whinge about every single measure that has been implemented so far.

Which countries is it out of kilter with? Masks are mandated in a lot of European countries. There are varying levels of 1m to 2m distancing. There are local lockdowns on spikes. Have a look and let me know what countries are fully open

Germany - for example -

Bavaria has a maximum of 10 allowed in public spaces. Pubs are closed according to that website.

Berlin has no nightclubs and limits on the number of people allowed gather anywhere.

Hamburg, maximum of 10 people. Bars open with restrictions, no clubs

Yeah Iā€™d agree with thatā€¦ The question is why are these societal norms breaking down? ā€¦youā€™ve answered it at the startā€¦ Governments have divided countries greatly. Not on their own, but the spin, pr and media manipulation that has gone into electing and sustaining politicians has ripped society apart.
Varadkar is one of the biggest examples you could use on itā€¦ Constantly looking to divide and blame sections of society for the countryā€™s ills ā€¦

Then thereā€™s consumerism , picking away at us constantlyā€¦ Buy, buy, buyā€¦ Look out for you, you deserve, youā€™re specialā€¦fuck your neighbour, buy that jeep thatā€™s screams success and show your neighbour what a loser he isā€¦

Thereā€™s also way too many of us on the planetā€¦ Our species peaked 1960-1999ā€¦ Weā€™re entering our death knell now.

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you only have to look on here at how broken society is. Take away pubs and GAA and lads arenā€™t willing to do a fucking tap for anyone else.

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Say the word and Iā€™ll be down to you kidā€¦ Us knackers, not from Caherdavin and Castletroy, have to stick together.

likewise bro. When it fully breaks weā€™ll rule the world, us knackers from Prospect and Moyross

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No I have not whinged. Iā€™ve been consistent since the start. If thatā€™s whinging to you, fair enough.

We are the only country in Western Europe with pubs closed. We have the most restrictive travel restrictions (Leo Varadkarā€™s words, not mine).

I just showed you a website where it says pubs are closed in Bavaria.

France -

Travellers in France from specified countries including the Canada and New Zealand no longer need to self-isolate on arrival, demonstrate their travel is essential, or carry a self-attestation. Travel from other countries which arenā€™t listed by the French government, including from the US, is still on an essential basis only and supporting documents will need to be provided.

You seem to have fallen into a self pity trap where you think weā€™re the only ones suffering any restrictions. The measures here are almost universal, the only difference being the numbers in attendance at things and we have some pubs closed here. Many others are open and are opening despite a rise in cases.

There are trade offs and they have been happening since we went into a fairly full on lockdown in early days, things have been done with safety at the forefront of everything. Itā€™s a government. Itā€™s slow. Itā€™s a pandemic. It will be slower.

The response hasnā€™t been perfect because it canā€™t be. But it hasnā€™t been as bad as youā€™ve made it out to be either.

You seem to work from the viewpoint that

  1. this is a cod (it isnā€™t)
  2. Everywhere else has realized itā€™s a cod and are laughing at us (they havenā€™t and they arenā€™t)

It took a few months of me pointing it out to you before the penny finally dropped.

The planet is already over populated and itā€™s spiralling fastā€¦yet increasing the population is incentivised?? We are destroying the atmosphere, slowly choking life out, we are the meteor, but imagine a politician suggesting that. Not gonna get much traction on social media so all aboard the Armageddon train, so far so good so far so good