Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used the word cod, certainly not seriously.

And Iā€™d argue, as I have all along, that the response is disproportionate and we wonā€™t truly feel how bad itā€™s been until itā€™s all over. I advocated a Swedish type approach (complete with their restrictions) since the start.

I also think ā€œwhingingā€ about restrictions that are destroying lives is a perfectly reasonable thing to do in a democracy.

Itā€™s going to take a while, unless we have a real pandemic or a clip from an asteroid. Thereā€™s currently about 140 million born every year and 60 million deaths, so it will take the rest of this century for that to equilibrate. Lads getting hysterical over a million dying when we are adding 80 million a year. The Spanish flu killed 50 million when the population was less than 2 billion, with two world wars and several pandemics we have still added 6 billion since then.

Some people have absolutely no sense of perspective.


How can you still not get your head around this? Every year up to 60million people die. Estimates of up to 650k a year from FLU. Society did not and does not lockdown for FLU deaths. A ā€œtrade offā€ is made that this is part of life. Yet youā€™re still shiteing on that no one should die from COVID. We should shut society down indefinitely for this one disease.

Why werenā€™t you advocating for lockdowns to stop flu spreading and killing 650k people every year pre covid?

Before you come back with the usual fucking hand wringing, Iā€™'m in favour of masks, social distancing, hand washing, protecting elderly. Not locking down society for something that kills a miniscule % cc @mickee321


We already have that itā€™s all being controlled by the taoiseachā€™s department.

Whatā€™s the story with the advert on TV for the GAAā€¦ Like they are saving the worldā€¦ I find the gaa the most arrogant shower of cunts. Think they have a monopoly on every community. They donā€™t. Thereā€™s lads in other sports and social clubs and have found them very rewardingā€¦

at what stage will you not get your head around the fact there are almost 1 million people dead from this, despite an almost global lockdown. In 9 months. Almost 1 million.

They know the upper limits for flu. They donā€™t know anything about this one.

Maybe they should make some ads to let us know about it.


And lads queuing up to slap each other on the back on the Fathers Thread.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Life is the most common infection faced by the human race and the mortality rate is 100%

Utter horseshit. We donā€™t know the upper limits of flu, there could be a flu pandemic this winter that kills 100 million. We know fairly precisely the mortality rates by age group for Covid, and it has a far lower mortality rate for younger and healthy populations than many flu pandemics. There have been at least three pandemics in roughly the last 50 years with a much higher mortality rate for younger people.

Your problem is you are only looking at one side of the equation, the desire to save as many lives as possible. The other side of the equation is the utter destruction of economies and the impact that is having and will have. Do you really think we can sustain 8 billion people with a global economy that is 20% smaller?


150,000 die a day. Iā€™m not being glib (I have elderly parents) but people donā€™t live forever. People are kept alive now at birth and when sick because of advances in medicine and technology fueled from our economy.

Death has become taboo in our post religion world. We cannot save everybody. If we try we wonā€™t have an economy and that day to day life people remember will be lost forever.


Iā€™m sure if there was such a pandemic this winter, theyā€™d try and restrict the spread of it. And Iā€™d agree. You still wouldnā€™t though, with your absolute horseshit of thereā€™s too many around anyway, let it off.

if the virus is left just run itā€™s course how will the economy look and how will day to day life look? There are attempts at balancing both sides, but a cohort on here only look one eyed at it. A vast majority of people are going about their day to day with some restrictions, some arenā€™t. The goal is to keep it ticking over and suppressing the virus as best we can. Lads seem to think you can do 100% of one and the other. It looks like you canā€™t.

Youā€™re getting hysterical again.

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I havenā€™t called the FBI yet. Iā€™m good


24k salary.

As the lads says, you wouldnā€™t come out from under the bed for it.


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Itā€™s going to run its course anyway without a vaccine. The current situation just means the spread is slowed down for a while. Once restrictions are lifted it will begin to spread again. Rinse and repeat. I donā€™t have huge faith in an effective vaccine anytime soon ā€¦ maybe you do.

You should have noted that Fake News via social media platforms have been equally worse in spreading an Anti Government, Anti COVID-19 restrictions & basically anti everything which dilutes their so called freedoms.

Social media is a bigger devil than any government.

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Iā€™d be ok with that if they outlined a road map that says weā€™ll need a circuit break every 6 weeks for two weeks or whatever. Close everything down. Then go again. Thatā€™s a plan. We could plan and live with that.

We have Dantes Inferno. Levels. Ffs sake.