Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I’ve made the point on here for the last few days.

59 people acquired Covid in a healthcare setting. They are presumably in that hospitalised figured of doom you posted, how many of them are people undergoing hip surgery who got Covid inside?

Per Professor Jack Lambert, ineffective PPE use by hospital staff has led to spreads.

The HSE will gleefully fell people of how much pressure they’re under. Hospitalisations aren’t even at 10% of their peak and the growth relative to March has been nowhere near as pronounced.

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Company man George Lee out batting for NPHET on the news there.



Because they are either someone getting routine surgery that may not even have symptoms. Or they could be someone who was frail already, and this makes it worse.

It’s important we know as it absolutely distorts the figures we see.

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The HSE are under pressure. They’re trying to protect their staff and patients from an infectious disease. If staff are getting it and isolating they have less staff.

I presume practices aren’t normal in healthcare settings either. I don’t think it’s a cakewalk for healthcare professionals at the moment

Of course it hasn’t. For obvious reasons. What kind of useless point is that?

Please don’t just regurgitate a HSE quote to the Irish Times. Stick to the point.

I never said it was a catwalk. But we need to know these things, and it isn’t getting asked by the likes of George Lee.


NPHET and the government have made a hames of this pandemic from start to finish.

That doesn’t mean it’s not serious.

It also doesn’t mean we’re not borderline in the shits now. Numbers are quite bad.

People can’t see for the wood for the trees now apparently.

People have decided they know better than healthcare professionals and that the healthcare professionals are only pushing restrictions for self gain and media status.

Entirely disengeneous carry on altogether

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As it indicates what we are doing as a society is working better and it is actually flattening the curve.

Remember when you told us all to wait for the surge on Easter weekend? You have tried to rewrite history on your Covid tale since then but you were predicting doom.


I’ve never said it wasn’t serious. I’ve never been in the camp of “it’s got less virulent”.

I do think our health care professionals have gotten an awful lot wrong.

That should blind people to the fact that we are in dangerous territory now.

I still think that we are putting our emphasis on the wrong areas.

The HSE want more money and want to be patted on the back. See the CEO yesterday bragging about the UK asking him for help. He didn’t figure on Philip Nolan undermining the tracing system today.

NPHET have a narrow focus. As shown over and over, unfortunately they don’t have as much of a handle as they’d like to pretend. Nolan’s tweets today were embarrassing.

NPHET overall have a narrow goal, and the criticism ultimately lies with the government. Unfortunately it is becoming clearer that NPHET are not doing their jobs correctly. The supporting evidence to the VFI in August of a few newspaper articles was a warning, Nolan saying today that he couldn’t be arsed looking back further than 48 hours was a big doo doo.


We’re no different than most places in terms of what was done right and wrong. This happened fast, throw in layers of beaurocracy and a traditionally slow moving sector and it isn’t surprising.

I’m surprised it hasn’t been more of a clusterfuck to be honest

Is anyone using that Covid tracker app anymore? @Fagan_ODowd?

No, we categorically are worse than most places. More people died in Ireland than in most of the EU.

On top of that, we currently have worse numbers despite having more restrictions than most of Europe for the last few months.

We are doing badly by any measure.

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It’s on the phone alright. But I haven’t clicked into it in weeks.

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NPHETs job is to “beat” the pandemic, by that logic what they are doing is correct. But there has to be some pushback in terms of okay, numbers are creeping higher, but let’s balance that with the economy, the destruction of which will cost lives also, simple as. NPHET aren’t even taking into account the knock on effects for the health service, nevermind anything else.
But the government can’t push back, they’ve the shite scared out of the country and if they went against NPHET advice and numbers of deaths spiked they’d be crucified.
So we are trapped, not by the virus, but by self preservation for politicians.
I think if Martin came out tonight and said look, things are creeping up, but we’ve got to balance this in terms of giving certainty to businesses etc. Let’s double down on reducing numbers at home, let’s get stricter on masks, let’s go back to washing our hands more etc. and let’s really push on the simple stuff for three weeks and get the numbers down.
I think people would have accepted that.
We cannot go into a cycle of opening and closing until there’s a vaccine. There won’t be a business left for fuck sake. How could you buy in stock etc and you could be closed the following day.
The brave thing to say is lockdowns are over unless it goes to shit altogether. Let’s get on with it as best we can.


At what point does it become too late to implement stricter measures?

Lockdowns are not effective, we’ve known this for months. The WHO have said as much. We are following expert advice, but only the expert advice that says hide under the bed. So let’s wash our hands, socially distance where possible and get on with it.
The whole Sweden argument is getting old at this stage, but can we not, now that we’ve flattened the curve and seen off the major spike, look to move towards that model. Not as an admission of failure, but just looking at reality and saying okay, this way is possible and will save other lives