Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

From their point of view the lockdowns worked though. Numbers going up. Restrict. Suppress. Numbers go down.

Sweden managed it with travel restrictions and restrictions on gatherings etc. What is their relationship with public houses compared to ours. Not everything is apples vs apples comparison.

Maybe we could suppress it while maintaining certain businesses. But we’ve been pretty open for a while now and the numbers have crept up. The only thing closed for months have been pubs without food. They’re opening up Monday aren’t they

And all restaurants in Dublin despite very few clusters coming from there

If it’s in the community, which it is, then places where people gather are the focus of restrictions.

They were going locking down limerick last week and then numbers fell without them doing anything. By your logic doing nothing is just as effective as a lockdown so


And sports stadiums.

When do you think it won’t be in the community?

We’ve been fighting lately but I had to give that a like.

There wont be a country left if Nphet and this government keep this lockdown shit up for another 6 months.

Masks don’t seem to have worked, contact tracing along with their app has been a total failire,

Its a total joke.


I don’t know mate. I don’t know anything about it. The people who are paid to make the decisions are doing it with the information available to them.

They are professionals.

I have taken the line they don’t have an ulterior motive to destroy society and the virus is worthy of the imposition they are recommending to the Government.

It is still a shitty situation.

Never hold a grudge.

They’re completely incompetent mate, and what they’re doing is going to completely destroy the country,

There’s every likelihood that there will never be a vaccine for this, and they don’t have a plan A not to mind a plan B,

The useless cunts. As @glasagusban has said many times, we’re perfoming terribly in this in re to deaths and cases.


Ok mate. You’re too far on one side to even attempt to have a conversation with.


They did up a plan Tuesday with distinct stages. They’ve since abandoned it


Have they abandoned it?

It appears so. The Taoiseach said it was how we would deal with the virus for 6 months. Said each stage was well thought out.

I looked on the website and none of the stages match the restrictions in Dublin tomorrow


Government are not governing. They are hiding behind the scientists.


They are working with the scientists.

The scientists want a zero covid island. They’ve signed petitions and everything.

The government are pushing back on them where they can and trying to balance the economy and a public health emergency. It’s not perfect. It’s not even great. Its fucking difficult.

Its like being in a never ending taxi ride with an obnoxious Dublin taxi driver this thread.

Dis fooken virus is a cod and de gubbiment is trying to destroy us all boood

They shat the bed on Tuesday with the 2+ stuff.

NPHET got excited again and exploited the gap.

  • all recommendations were supposed to be screened pre going to cabinet. NPHET leaked all of their meeting straight to press yesterday

  • Nolan today with his gibberish. That should not have been pre cabinet. What’s more he ended up talking down the tracing system

Martin is a clown, a dreadful leader. I’ve stolen a few of @Bandage’a insights into him and they’re going down well with my pals.


You haven’t been off the thread all day so you must be getting some sort of pleasure ftom it ya freak.

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Lads we could beat this virus we just all lived small cowardly lives with shitty little dreams for the next four or five years. We are in this together hiding under the bed for the rest of our lives.