Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Brilliant analysis from you today.

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The problem is the scientists may be right, that we are not doing enough.
But neither are they.
They are milking it for what it’s worth, signing petitions, going on every TV show and radio programme, every second podcast, on twitter tweeting graphs, they are everywhere but in the Lab doing the work they should be doing, never mind their models or predictions and looking over at the UK to see how much better we are doing.

And it’s something my other half said to me, as its all male scientists here, they are all trying to out do each other.
If one says there will be 1000 cases next week ,
The other one has to come out to say there will be 5000 cases next week.
It’s a cock measuring contest with these cunts.


McDowell hits the nail on the head here.


Yep. Look at how often they mention nphet and that they are following medical advice. They’re just using them as a shield from blame

Jesus I’d go to war for that man, but I’m fierce busy

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He seems drunk there although I’d agree with a lot of his points.


You know things have entered the Twilight Zone when McDowell is concerned for migrant workers going back to their bedsits


I never thought I’d say this but fair play to Michael McDowell


I think what is obvious here is that we need to unquestionably follow NEPHT’s strategy here. Yes they have been wrong, spectacularly wrong, mindboggingly wrong, on everything so far, but I think we need to load the dice and say they’ve got this right. They are the experts and who are we to look at data and science and all that gobildegok, we are not smart enough to interpret the nuance. See ye in a month chaps, I’m locking down.

It’s totally bizarre, I was never a fan but at least he’s saying it as it is there.

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I actually think he was emotional. I’d say he had dinner booked in Guibaulds tomorrow night.


Did you bring back a few quilts from Italy for under the bed, mate?

“we” are doing badly on the death toll due to a failure to impement a hard strategy to protect those in care homes. The data is clear, the virus is not applicable for the vast majority of us but has a high kill rate amoungst the aged and infirm who have been incarcerated in care homes.

The theories around implementing restrictions in general population to stop the transmission into care home settings are fine in theory but are lacking in practicality and are resorting to a “human glue” type approach where you ( not specifically you) want the unaffected population to adhere to them.
Now any process that relies on human glue as a control mechanism will fail and its made even worse as those who you want to adhere to it only see it in a negative sense as it does not benifit them. They wont get sick and all this does is cost them money, time and disruption.

As this is life and death for those in care homes those folk deserve the ultimate measures to protect them and that involves absolutely locking those places down, give the staff adequate Hazmat style PPE and severely restrict visitors- this is the only way the death toll can drop, yes i get it, this may seem unfair to old folk but as the aged and infirm in that setting have a very high kill rate we cant expect 6 months in to this to be protecting them with a shoddy plan on restrictions that may or may not work.

The situation is farcical and the majority of the population cant see it that way, it is staggering to be honest yet the way to prevent death is so simple.

This is not a game of opinions or discussion, it is a game of life and death and those impacted all reside in the vast majority in care homes … lock the virus out- there is no other way and cut this lockdown bullshit


The number of deaths in carehomes was about 60% and varies between that and 40% roughly in most countries where it is measured. It’s not as cut and dry as you make it out

I didn’t mate. Italy was like being in a foreign country, it was more normal there.


A proper politician

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You’re saying it’s only people in care homes need protecting. You’re completely wrong. Scenes in Italy and Spain and New York show your post up to be plain stupid.