Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


The 14 day incidence rate for Ireland for the same dates was 52.8.

If for example in NCW the cases went up to 20. The Incidence rate would have been up to about 73.

Limerick City South not even on the table.

188 cases

Zero deaths

76 cases are in Dublin, 25 in Cork, 21 in Donegal, 16 in Kildare, 13 in Galway, 7 in Roscommon and 7 in Waterford, with the remaining 23 cases spread across 12 counties.

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Is there even a Limerick City South LEA?

I don’t think there is.

No the south is classed as East. No one wants it

“Martin, have you ever been to San Jose?”
“San Jose? , shur that’s the back of beyonds”.

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Again no deaths. No exponential growth. Seems to be consistent at about two per cent of people tested.

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Cork is fucked. Typical, taken down by their own cockiness

Well can everyone just stop fucking breathing then. The next 2 weeks are crucial. We all have to play our part.


On that note, they’re warming Waterford up for a move to level 3 since the middle of last week. But are its “elevated” numbers due to the big outbreak at Dawn Meats in Granagh? Or is Granagh considered part of Kilkenny? As Holly Cairns said on TWIP yesterday, you’d think they’d close the plants causing the outbreaks rather than the entire county the offending plants are situated in.


Dublin 8 has thrown off the shackles of bourgeoisie morality. Our revolution is very close.

You wouldn’t revolve a spinning chair you useless cunt


I think some lads are playing silly buggers here.

There isn’t exponential growth in the way there was before because behaviour has changed. But there is steady and big growth. There aren’t loads of deaths yet for a few reasons, but if the thing is let run rampant it’s a short hop to the health service being overwhelmed and lots of people dying.

Just because NPHET and the government have done an utterly shit job of managing this so far, doesn’t mean we aren’t in dodgy territory.

Yes the government and NPHET are shit and we’re sick of listening to them, but also, the incidence in Ireland is quite bad and we need to manage that.

You’d want to be stupid enough not to recognise that.


NPHET have become the bogeyman.

We’re orange on the ECDC map. I wonder where we’re at compared to the average.

They’ve done a shit job I’m afraid.

Average is 74

Ireland is at 66.5

You’re a very abusive man

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Go on away and mind your own business like a good chap