Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Heā€™s been incredibly on edge since the start of this

Numbers down today, the lockdown is working like a charm

Not surprising as there is no data to show they actually achieve anything, all merely anectdotal and opinion.
Next these guys will begin to distance themselves from the context of locking places down when it becomes obvious that the rebound effect after lifting these just sees cases return to normal and they are not practical in society.
Finally around March id imagine next year you will see a large coming together that this thing is and by then was only of concern to the aged and infirm and it there is no impact to the general population.

since this whole " rebound" in cases has anyone under 70 or not in a nursing home actually felt unwell to the point of hospitilisaton?


Poland cut back the testing and now weā€™re flying it!


188 cases?

Surely grounds for moving the Duds to Level 2 and the rest of the country to Level 1.


Will a week of not breathing sort the whole mess out?


With all due respect thatā€™s dangerous scaremongering on your behalf, and borderline esteban levels of hysteria.

The Irish health service wasnā€™t overwhelmed or close to it back in April at the height of the pandemic. A lot of vulnerable people died as government(s) were too dumb to realize where the risks were. As long as vulnerable people are reasonably well protected there will be no surge in hospitalizations or deaths, the data from other countries with orders of magnitude larger numbers that Ireland should tell you that.

France has had a big resurgence in cases but no overwhelming of hospitals, and no big surge in deaths. Back in April, they had about 5k cases a day and over 1k deaths a day, they are now at 10,000 cases a day and 10-20 deaths a day. Based on that actual data, your ā€œlots of people dyingā€ claim would mean Ireland going from zero deaths a day to 1 death per day.

Oh and before I forget, youā€™re a truly stupid cunt.


Do you think the fact we are heading in to winter versus spring is significant worry? Genuine question.

The growth rates in hospitalisations should be the number 1.

We went from about 20 in hospital with it to 879 in the space of a month between the second week of March to the second week of April.

Weā€™ve grown from 20 to 88 in the space of a month now, with questions as to where a lot of those people are contracted it/how sick they are.

I donā€™t think we should underplay it at all, but we need to be proportionate.


Itā€™s a worry if thereā€™s a bad flu season. According to Mick Ryan the Covid virus demonstrates no seasonal pattern (so far).

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Will be interesting to see if (without a lockdown) we avoid a bad flu season with the level of social distancing (and increased flu jabs).

They seem to have avoided it in Australia, including parts that are quite well opened.

The RTE 6:01 news was as bleak as Iā€™ve ever seen. They interviewed a load of old people wearing masks on the street of Drogheda, who all obviously said they were very worried and we needed more restrictions.

Then they had an interview with some English lad from the ESRI who was talking about how the public supported more restrictions and lockdowns. He said we ended the lockdown too quickly the last time. He seemed to think think that if we had locked down for a few extra weeks back in the summer time we could have had a zero covid island.

Thinking about it logically, stage 3+ is guaranteed to fail because the transmissions arenā€™t coming from the locked down restaurants and theyā€™ve lost the public. Stage 4 will fail for the exact same reasons that Stage 3+ will fail. That means weā€™re almost definitely going back to Stage 5. Irelandā€™s only hope is that Stage 5 fails completely or else weā€™ll be stuck with Stage 5 on and off for years.


Iā€™ve stopped watching RTE news fullstop mate, itā€™s full on scare-mongering now, fuck em.

Lifes too short.


Front Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer - no second wave and pandemic is over.


Your man Tedros from the WHO was saying there today we might have a few vaccines ready to go by the end of 2021.

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Will you be first in line?

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The cases were obviously WAY higher back in April. You needed to be very ill to get a test. Most were just told to isolate as a precaution. And thatā€™s before you even get the asymtomatic (who seem to be making up the bulk of cases now). However, because relatively so few were tested, and because our elderly in nursing homes were left to die, the death rate of the virus is skewed and appears much bigger.

As @Tim_Riggins said above, itā€™s not something to dismiss outright. Vulnerable people should mind themselves. But we need proportional responses. As per @TreatyStones above, we could lose 63,000 jobs in the hospitality sector alone. God knows what from aviation. The knock on effects off that on society (and, lest we forget, our health) is enormous.