Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Theyā€™re ā€œworking towards thatā€.

Any reasonable person would have thought that.

Amateur job. The mind fucking boggles how you could be so stupid to come up with level 2.5.

Basically what it comes down to is Martin didnt have the balls to tell NPHET to get fucked about Dublin so heā€™s done this 2.5 shite to pacify them. Maybe heā€™s scared that if put NPHET in its place then theyā€™d criticise him publicly or something, I dont know.

Iā€™m at the end of my (metaphorical) tether here. I think I have (literally) said all I can say on this. These clowns are strangling the economy with half-baked, half thoughtout nonsense that wonā€™t comtain the spread of the virus but will hamper business enough to ensure itā€™s no longer viable.

Theyā€™ll also deploy thousands of guards to make sure there isnā€™t 30 people in a wet pub on a Tuesday in a county thatā€™s level 3.5 unless itā€™s a funeral and the deceased had a substantial meal prior to their passing.


That wonā€™t suit Wexford. They rarely win down in Thurles.


MĆ­cheĆ”l wants to go to a Hurling or a Soccer match. Heā€™d love toā€¦

@bandage @Batigol
I appreciate that I have been very unsuccessful so far, my efforts have been poor but Iā€™m serious that someone has to do something. The price of doing nothing will be as bad for the country as a second famine. Doing nothing just isnā€™t an option.

And deferred making any announcement on Dublin until today, so the announcement would be consistent with the new guidelines.

Micheal believes this brings clarity.

Iā€™m not sure clarity is what people have right now.

Christmas isnt cancelled though, so thats good.

Martin throwing it all back on NPHET.

Leo staying quiet.

Itā€™s very clear, there are five and a half levels in the five level plan.

It reminds me a bit of Being John Malkovic, currently on Netflix, all the real business goes down on a secret half-floor between two other floors of the building.

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The only thing worse than the muppets talking is the stupid questions from the journalists. Meek as fuck.


Do you see that kind of fang movement Martin does with his mouth when heā€™s adding emphasis to words (usually in places where it doesnā€™t make sense to add emphasis)?

I fucking hate it. I fucking hate him. Itā€™s like when you hate somebody so much that every little thing they do repulses you. He has no authority. Heā€™s a cunt. How did we end up with this prick strangling our lives?

cc @Tank

We badly need some non mentalist politicians or political parties to give the OIUTF view

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Itā€™s the one thing the daily press conferences have shown up and that is how fuckin dense the majority of the journalists are.

Shove your national spirit up your cunt.

Luke O Neill has a very irritating mannerism as well where he says you see as youuuuu seeee. Except that heā€™s usually on early in the morning you could style a drinking game around it.

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I failed. But I didnt have a lot to work with. I might post about it on the end the lockdown party thread.

Can we not just follow the Germans or some proper country?

Has anyone else come up with a 9 month plan that everyone knows wont last 3 weeks?

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