Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The cunts charged my mother for a covid related appointment. She said I thought it was free, but they said it wasn’t. She didn’t kick up a fuss as she knows them well. She was then told it was a 3 day wait for the test and a 3 day wait for the results, but if she went private she’d know in two days. She did anyway another €50 and turned out she didn’t have it (she knew she didn’t but was being cautious).
Some fucking country.

Sure doctors have to put bread on the table too.

Fear of the cunts.

Brennan’s, today’s bread today.

My mate is a GP. He’s making more money than ever because he gets a 30 euro covid payment every time he takes a call.

I have yet to meet an Irish medic who doesn’t own a housing portfolio

Minimum €50 for tens mins work and a queue out the door. You’d never go broke being a GP in Ireland

It’s not easy running three households

Reminds me of a yarn a pal told me about abortion introduction in Ireland. Lots of opposition was quietly dropped once GPs paid 450 for three visits re abortion services

Would that be their pension?

How much is a premium for medical indemnity? Consultants pay around 400k. Keeping a practice open with rent, supplies etc and extra staff to be paid.

They work savage hours as well.

It’s not the easiest way to make a living.

Say 1500 a day, on average from consultations, with a lot of outgoings. A lot of them double job in south doc etc.

Theres lads pulling in more spoofing about IT and doing fuck all

Plus if a GP isn’t on the public list he may as well pack it in.

Are ye gone that bad that ye are demonising GP’s? I’ve never met one who wasn’t a good person.

400,000 per annum per consultant?

According to this article.

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He got a worse hiding than Doon the other night. Shown up as a complete lightweight.

Tis no wonder everyone is getting sick when all the doctors are too busy doing their media

Such concerns never seemed to matter when they were savaging pubs earlier in the year

I was never in favour of closing some pubs. As you well know. I could see why they did it but wasn’t in favour of it.

Also, pubs aren’t as important as medical practices.

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Certainly not but they still have imprtance in the lives of non-hypocondriacs and people who enjoy a bit of craic every now and then. I wouldn’t want to tar all medical practises with the same brush but there’s no question many are milking the fuck out of this

I would say they are few and far between. The ones “milking” it.

A lot are working their asses off throughout this. I’d imagine the surgery or practice is a very different place than what it was 12 months ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if private practices are close to the wall

Covid actually showed that the Irish health system is quite resilient.

Not having PPE was a shitshow that happened all over Europe, including in very good healthcare services.

I’m not sure it’s a case of money, it’s a case of removing the layers of bullshit in the system. When the bullshit went away during the Covid emergency, they got their skates on and got organised quickly. Now that we’re 6 months in we have the layers of bureaucracy and BS coming in, the admin assistant in X hospital has always reported bed numbers at 12 noon so never mind that the HSE ask for them at 4pm.

In terms of practically making things better. We need a halfway house for drunks at weekends going to A&Es. They should just extend the Swift Care clinics really. We also need to be better at just moving old folks from nursing homes to A&Es when they’re a bit sick. It’s rarely the best place for them but is the default of nursing homes who do not want the risk or the resources to hook up a drip.

We’ve been collectively throwing money at it for years, both public and private.