Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Good article alright, and thanks to @Tim_Riggins.

The stand-out paragraphs are these two.

The top TV story night after night features numbers of people testing positive for a condition associated with hospital and ICU admission rates of 2.5 per cent and 0.2 per cent respectively. Admission rates are about one fifth of prior months and lower than those associated with seasonal flu. Such reporting would be more appropriate were the country dealing with an Ebola outbreak.

What is happening is what should be happening ā€“ the young are working in essential services and socialising and contracting the virus, while the vulnerable, the elderly and those with illness are being cautious and, importantly, are being protected by the rest of society.

RTƉ, the propaganda wing of the Government.

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Very on brand from Zlatan.


He must have have had a pint in a pub without a sandwich?

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Yet you have lads on here (well lad) sullying the name of TFK by calling for further restrictions and using the UK of all fucking places to back up their data free arguments.

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Itā€™s nonsense in a country this size to impose restrictions on a county by county basis at all, never mind a county the size of Donegal.

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The Restaurants Association of Ireland now calling on NEPHET to publish the ā€œinternational evidenceā€ they have around the spread of covid in restaurants. Who do they think they areā€¦ the GAA!!


There will be fierce rallying done in donegal now the pubs are closed

what are the odds on more RTA deaths in donegal during the lockdown versus national covid deaths?

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You must be the one doing the slobbering. :slight_smile: Usually happens towards the end of a night a feed of drink.

I guess slobbering is open to interpretation.

Pre, intra, or post-COVID, Iā€™d be giving huggers in the bar a wide berth

Iā€™d hope cases in Dublin are way up so it proves pubs and restaurants arenā€™t the problem and will be reopened.

Sure the lads in Donegal do what they want at the best of time


Nope. Cases continuing to steady this week is good as it takes at least 3 weeks for the ā€œimpactā€ of restrictions to work. There needs to be a settled pattern till Friday. The 7 day average of cases last Friday was 133 cases, it was 142 yesterday.

Big increase in cases in Dublin had been in the previous 3 weeks.

Itā€™s key to call out where NPHET are guessing.

Will he interesting to see today- last 3 days have dropped. Last Thursday had 119 cases.

Well the govt did ask everyone to rally together to fight this deadly virus

Monday and Tuesday this week in Dublin was lower than Monday and Tuesday last week. There is no exponential growth. Numbers in hospital dropped.

having said that, the next ten days are critical.

324 cases

3 deaths

Hero of the forum Michael Oā€™Leary on newstalk now, saying its easier to get out of North Korea than it is to get of the Ireland. He is in fine form.



NEW: Donegal restrictions to differ from Dublinā€™s in one area only. Pubs that donā€™t serve food will be allowed stay open but can only serve a maximum of 15 people and they must be outdoors @rtenews

Will Martin have the balls to lock down Cork?