Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Hopefully not before I go there next week for a well earned staycation.

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I’m heading to Cark for the weekend dropping the youngest down to start college, should be ok for a few :beer: this weekend anyway

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Drinking outdoors in Donegal in October. :grinning:


NPHET are actually going out of their way to make people depressed.

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If Donegal is gone, Cork is next

The next 10 days are critical acc to MM


Can’t wait till this critical spell is over

Cases in Cork started rocketing as soon as they started blowing about their low numbers.

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You can catch Covid outside drinking in a wet pub in Dublin but not Donegal.


You’d catch your death outside

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Where did that outbreak originate do we know? Was it the dirty Tyrone crowd?

National lockdown by middle October is coming.

Get out and enjoy the pints while you can


The people can’t be told

You lousy bastard :grin:

Will he fuck

Where are these deaths originating from as ICU numbers don’t seem to go down even as they announce deaths? Are they historical cases or is it that they now test everyone at death and if they test positive it goes down as a COVID death even if they actually died of something else.

The virus may be cunning and opportunistic but it is not partitionist.

Eileen Magners big moment comes