Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

We won’t be allowed go back to normal. They will find another bs excuse

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We need deaths below zero

We get it mate, your missus is a nurse


Excess births

So you think we can do it on our own mike?

Ffs lad. Will you ever learn?

Neil Ferguson claims today that the high infection rate in the UK means they could have herd immunity by the end of the year. Is that something that could be achieved over here whilst protecting the vulnerable. We did a lot of heavy lifting on this over Christmas.

In fairness - I’d say the number of COVID babies far exceeds the number of COVID deaths.

Will be interesting to see if we have excess births over the next few months.

Yup, just you and me kid.

6,888 new cases and 8 deaths.

Has there ever been a January where the hospitals were not overrun ?

Numbers are plateauing already according to Virgin News. Narrative changing.


Its the lag from those numbers is the concern. I think we peaked on Wednesday, the worst of those cases will take 10 days to end up in hospital. The concern isn’t so much about beds as ICU capacity. If we haven’t been over run by next Friday then we should muddle along.

We are 2 and a half weeks removed from Christmas. Any lag from people who picked up the virus on Christmas eve/Christmas day would surely start to catch up by now.

7 to 14 days to display symptoms, so a lot of people who contracted it over Christmas were only going for tests last week.

Numbers in hospital and ICU with Covid are extremely concerning. Surely of that there can be no doubt?

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They do seem to be keeping a better handle of ICU capacity. We’ve almost twice the number of cases in hospital compared to April but we still have a decent buffer of capacity in ICU.

Assume that’s because they’ve learned alot since April with regards treatment once in hospital. Meaning less ICU admission overall. I hope

The number of people picking up Covid in hospital is concerning.

It’s not clear and has never been clear if people are in hospital or indeed in ICU because of Covid or with Covid. Obviously either way impacts on care levels and resources.

Seems a decent amount of headroom for ICU still and private hospital capacity comes online this week as well.

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Anyone have the information on the percentage of cases that are picking up the virus in our hospitals?

An in law of mine is after contracting covid in hospital. So that’s one.