Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The rush for the vaccine is funny. Nothing to do with health and all to do with getting on a plane I think.

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Driverless cars will revive the oubsbof rural Ireland.

Why would you live in a city if you can work from home at the kitchen island and have a driverless car to ferry you back from the pub?


Party time in Herr Holohan’s office

Cities are done … covid has finished them.

I was driving from kilkee to Limerick before Christmas and looking at some of the pubs wondering how could they possibly trade any more. And it struck me that when driverless cars come in they’ll all be hopping. People will be coming from cities to go out to them for a drink. It will have all sorts of positive impacts for society. Give it 20 years and it’ll be norm. Hopefully we have enough people vaccinated by then for Tony to allow the pubs to open again.


Russian hackers will cause Mayhem with driverless cars.

You know well that a responsible sober adult will be required to be in the driverless car, a bit like an L plate driver being accompanied.

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The with three more weeks of these savage measures we could get to quite a low number by the end of January

As long as it’s on the way back…

Russian hookers caused Liam Lawlor a bit of car mayhem back in the day.

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Hope ye get the all clear. U not getting the test yourself?

It won’t be safe to allow travel from Ireland for at least two years.

Paddy is riddled

The Finns left their pubs open but Jari doesn’t have the same problem with the drink and they are flying it

Yeah. Creche close contact. Almost all the cars around us had toddlers in them so maybe a batch job. Not easy getting a 2 year old tested …

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Thanks. No, the little man is the close contact not me. I was surprised when I got the call today to get him tested so we’ll see where we land.

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Sure they have Winston Churchill, Oliver Cromwell and Nobby Stiles all down as dying of Covid at this point.

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Best wishes to you and family

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Fortified food