Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

But we are not locked up. We have very good degree of normality compared to a few months ago.

To dismiss Delta as a threat seems pretty denialist to me.

NPHET’s pessimistic scenario was 566k cases over the next three months. I still don’t expect that to happen because I expect that government and society will pull back if there are serious signs we are going in that direction, but we’re seeing the seeds of how it could go that way if things are let.

The UK has seen x 25 case growth in the last two months and things may well be about to get a lot worse there.

I don’t really see how we can keep daily cases below 5k in the near future, ie, the next two to three weeks. From there you’re on a road to it spiralling out of all control and mass panic.

You do some job to gp to the extreme. I am not denying its existence but highlighting the relative risk it poses to deaths, icu numbers and hospital numbers. Cases don’t matter a fuck with 60% of the population fully vaxed. The remaining 40% are very low risk (not no risk).

Delta spreads faster but isn’t as deadly, thats how viruses work.

We can 20k cases a day but we still will have no deaths reported due to the cyber attack. The hack was manna from heaven for LIDTF as the public are unable to see the deaths are near zero.

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Deaths are near zero because of the public health measures over the last six months which were consistently opposed by the OIUTFers here, allied to vaccination.

Those measures are no longer adequate.

Cases absolutely still matter. Everything flows from your case load.

It certainly seems like they are singling them out :grin:

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You don’t get it do you? Vaccines work, we can’t live in fear forever. No one will make you engage with society when we open up but that’s your choice.

2 weeks protect the vulnerable, flatten the curve. That was the original scope.

I’m not going to engage with you on covid anymore mate.

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How many times do you need to be told that the threat to normal society lies in infection rate rather than in serious illness/death rate? Can you not process this distinction? Or are you just ignoring the distinction for reasons known only to yourself?


Although my laughing was at your judgement of the “optimism levels” of the modelling.

Actually that still gives me a giggle.

In fairness, good. A shower of cunts running the place.

Uttering a slogan from 16 months ago as a justification for letting Delta rip is not an argument.

You’re perfectly entitled not to engage with me.

But I very much do get it about what is happening. OIUTFers hate that and that is why they are afraid to engage with me.

I mean on another thread you have one of them demanding New Zealand let Covid in ASAP.

It’s not surprising the chap who uttered that one shuts himself away from debate. But also a bit hypocritical.

Feel free to laugh at me being proved right within 17 days.

Whats the difference between this and any other virus? It kills more people. We have a vaccine that reduces the risk to levels we see with other viruses. Case load doesn’t matter a fuck with 60% of people fully vaxxed

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Oh jaysus…

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I could be wrong, but I’ve a feeling the same journalist also had a few stories in 2’19/‘20 on the Ivy’s policy of management/owners retaining a portion of staff tips.


Poison Ivy

Still no response from @Malarkey @Cheasty @mikehunt

They are just waiting to fit wheels to their goalposts


You say this but never explain why. I’d be interested


Is Nolan still tweeting about this after he embarrassed himself and Irish academia with a failure to understand simple sums