Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Poison Ivy

Still no response from @Malarkey @Cheasty @mikehunt

They are just waiting to fit wheels to their goalposts


You say this but never explain why. I’d be interested


Is Nolan still tweeting about this after he embarrassed himself and Irish academia with a failure to understand simple sums

You wouldn’t understand it and @Malarkey is too smart to bother

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Given the role of isolation post contact tracing I assume.

Vaccinated people don’t have to isolate as close contacts anymore.

I thought you’d to isolate if you had symptoms.

Yes but with the vaccinated population increasing, asymptomatic close contacts won’t be forced to isolate and shut down society.

I do not have a spanner for a head.

In every sense of term.

“never explain why”…

Oh jaysus.

What time is the next variant lads?

Lads we need to shut hard and fast. This girl who never tested positive for Covid now has covid toes.

BBC News - Covid in Scotland: ‘Covid Toes’ has left me unable to wear shoes


The Limerick variant.


Aw fuck. This is all we need. Short Covid.

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He can’t explain why because it’s a bullshit claim. The threat to society has always been how many of the vulnerable population are getting infected, as they (overwhelmingly) are the ones who end up in hospital or dying from Covid. The ZeroCoviders are still singing from the same hymnbook as March 2020 as if nothing has changed. What has changed is that the vulnerable are vaccinated and the people getting infected now are mostly not susceptible to serious illness.

If you take the US as an example, 60% of adults are fully vaccinated and roughly 20% have had Covid, so that leaves 20% without immunity. The overwhelming number of that ~50 million people are in the 18-40 age bracket, and the #1 reason given by them for not getting vaccinated is they do not believe they are at risk of serious illness from Covid. By and large they are of course right, the US is running at about 300 Covid deaths a day, out of the total 8,000 that die each day. In comparison heart disease kills close to 2,000 a day and cancer 1,600 a day.

So the question is why would you impose restrictions again because of a disease that is responsible for 4% of overall deaths and has a infection mortality rate of ~0.2%? More significantly why would you impose restrictions to protect a subset of young healthy people who refuse to get vaccinated? The answer is you wouldn’t, they have had the opportunity to get vaccinated and have declined, so they have chosen to take the risk.


600 odd posts….

Story now lads?

Give us a prediction of where the US will go in terms of Covid case figures and deaths over the next month or two.

He can’t explain it because he’s a Walter Mitty bullshitter who can only respond with stuff like kango!, done with covid! and then cringeworthy analogies. He’s in denial to the actual data @Malarkey

A clown, a fat clown for all to see.

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