Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Any accidental release of a virus from a lab is worrying especially when smallpox is still kept in labs.

Thereā€™s also another bit of circumstantial evidence thatā€™s suspect and casts doubt over the truthfulness of Shi Zhengli. When they released the sequence of COV-2 they also disclosed that they found a virus in their lab that was 96% the same, but had never worked with it or even sequenced it fully before. Smart scientists who have examined all their work since 2003 found a virus that they had studied, that came from the cave in Yunnan, that they did GOF experiments on, and written papers on. It has a different name to the one they found in 2020, but is exactly the same sequence. Why did they change the name? Nobody knows.

There was a number of posts in the previous Covid thread about suicide rates.

Provisional CSO figures for 2020 had the number of suicides lower than previous years.

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There have been 5 accidental releases of SARS-1, 3 of them in China. The H1N1 flu from 1977 onwards was a lab leak in Russia.

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Ah but the fine print at the bottom.

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The only way weā€™ll know the true suicide rate is for QEwan to go through all the death notices on from the last 17 months and tell us which ones were suicide. Heā€™s already told us heā€™s been doing that so it should be a simple copy and paste job.

If it was a bioweapon the death rate would be far higher than current. I would say at least 40%. Thankfully we are far off it. Plus the number of asymptomatic people without illness is also another reason I donā€™t believe this theory

I agree with you to a point. The natural spread theory is plausible but unlikely based on the bats and pagalons are never in contact in the wild. The wet market is possible but the evidence that both animals would pass virus here and to humans in a short space of time

Well weā€™ve been constantly told that the more we encroach on the natural habitat of animal species, the more chance of a deadly virus jumping from animals to humans. China doesnā€™t exactly have a great record in terms of encroachment on natural habitats. Thatā€™s without talking about the dangers of wet markets.

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Only if it were a bioweapon designed to kill at a higher rate, and it would burn out quickly at that death rate. If you wanted a virus that was highly contagious and killed at a rate to scare the shit out of people it is perfect. All speculation. Thereā€™s no doubt the CCP were massively pissed off at Trump and his trade/IP war.

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Yes Randy Marsh fucked it

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A fucking camogie league final for 3,000 lucky souls if you donā€™t mind.

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Where will they find the 3k?

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Youā€™d nearly hauld tough under the bed for another few weeks.

That said, if they open the bars in Croker for it youā€™d nearly tip away in to support the wimmin.

What a shit show.

Whats 1000 at Tallaght stadium going to prove when 500 can attend anyway a week or 2 later?

Either way both those points need to be addressed as humans are by far the most invasion species on earth. Ruining the environment and the Chinese are the worst offenders. The knock on effect of humans picking up viruses is clear too. I believe ebola jumped to humans via Bush meat

My sources in china totally corroborating your sources in china on this, mate.

Fuck Tipp

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Fucking hell, you know ēŽ‹ē§€č‹± too :dizzy_face:
Heā€™s a top man in all fairness

Zero Covid :sweat_smile: